Custom Quests

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Quest Information

UO Evolution now has 56 custom quests, 6 standard quests and 90+ Mondain Legacy quests installed. We also run seasonal quests for each holiday. Make sure you are using UO Razor or UO Steam client for all the custom content. You can also go to the rune library and get helpful info and marks to many of the quest locations

Custom Quests

Custom Advanced Quests

Storage Key Quests

Key quests are a work in progress

Classic Quests

Power Scroll Quests

All of these Quests are located in the City of Trinsic. You can earn a 120 Powerscroll for completing these tasks

  • Arms Lore - Trinsic Training Hall - Collect 5 x Blaze of Death Artifacts
  • Camping - Small wood workshop by the river in Trinsic - Collect 50000 Boards
  • Item Id - Pearl of Trinsic Jewelry Shop - Collect 1000 diamonds
  • Forensic Evaluation - Trinsic Cut Butcher - Collect 25000 ribs
  • Throwing - Gargoyle City Quest - Collect 500 horns
  • Herding - First Trinsic Stablery - Craft 500 Pet Greater Heal Potions
  • Tracking - Trinsic Fine Skins - Collect 50000 leather
  • Begging - Trinsic main entrance - Gold Pan for 500 small nuggets (look in the trash)
  • Poisoning - Trinsic alchemist/Mage Shop in Trinsic - Craft 500 Deadly Poison Potions
  • Taste Id - Baker Shop in Trinsic - Make 1000 jars of honey
  • Hiding - Thief Guild Hall in South Trinsic - Collect 5000 Shadow Leather
  • Remove Trap - Thief Guild Hall in South Trinsic - Craft 10000 lock picks
  • Snooping - Thief Guild Hall in South Trinsic - Collect/craft 1000 Slumgum
  • Detect Hidden - Thief Guild Hall in South Trinsic - Collect 5000 Shadow Iron Ingots
  • Fishing - Catch 10k fish and redeem at the Britain "Oaken Oar" fishing shop for a 120 fishing powerscroll

Augment Quests

Seasonal Quests


St. Patrick's Day




Christmas Quests

Quests Under Review

Old Quests

Mondain's Legacy

This brand-new quest engine allows for hundreds of new quest options, including the opportunity to engage in multiple quests at the same time. Some quests are very simple in nature - seek out a certain monster and kill it, for example. Others require you to explore new dungeons or areas of mystery. Still others involve crafting and reward you with new runic kits or crafting recipes. The opportunities are endless and there is something for everyone.

Quest Types

Kill Specifies a type, quantity, and in some instances, location of creatures you must kill.

Obtain Requires you to gather specific items and return them to the Quest Giver. Some items come from monsters you must slay, some items must be crafted, and other items must be found elsewhere. Some obtain quests require you to gather a certain quantity of specific items throughout your journeys.

Escort Help an NPC travel to a given location.

Delivery Take a quest item from one NPC and deliver it to another NPC.

The addition of Mondain's Legacy introduced 90+ standard quests that can be found by locating NPCs with the title "Quest Giver"

Custom Quest Item List

This is a list of all Custom Quest Items that match the items needed with the name of the quest

Troubleshooting Quests

Why can't I turn in items to an NPC quest giver?

  • Are you using UO Razor or UO Steam Client? If you are using other clients, the quests will not work!
  • Did you collect ALL the items listed for the quest?
  • Make sure you own all the items with YOUR name on them
  • Make sure you READ all the quest info on the wiki
  • Ask the NEW Player guild for help?
  • Look at the NEW Guild rune library for info
  • Ask players for help in [chat if you get stuck?
  • Did you "toggle" the quest items

How to 'Toggle Quest Items': hold the shift key, right click on yourself, select 'Toggle Quest Item', with the target cursor left click on the item you wish to toggle (it turns orange) and press <esc> to finish the toggle.

How to speak with Quest Givers: double left click on them.

How do I accept quests and see what quests I have accepted?: To Accept a quest double left click an npc that has 'quest giver' in his/her title on mouse over, a menu will open for you to read, select 'accept'. To view what quests you have accepted go to the menu bar, select Quest Menu, a window will open up listing your current quests, you may cancel quests in this same window.