Listen to the Music (Music Stand)
Listen to the Music
Quest-giver: Maestro Marvel
Starting Point: The Jungle south of Trinsic, north of Honor Shrine
Quest Reward: Bard's Stand, Music Storage Key
Marvel tells you if you can learn to master music from the best teachers you can hear the music of the trees
A true bard sets out on the path with a seriousness of heart! If you find the three best Maestros in the Conservatories, and they agree to teach you, return to me. If you have proof of your accomplishments and I will give you a gift to aid you on your musical journey!
- Maestro Jurl can be found in the Jhelom theater. He will want 20 Gwenno's harps to teach you harpestry.
- Maestro Eli is in the Bard shop in Minoc- he requires 20 Iolo's Lutes to teach you to play the Lute.
- Maestro Yasmin can be found in Zento , Rokuon Cultural Center. He will ask for 20 Flutes of Renewal with which to teach you.
Each Maestro will award you a golden instrument as a token of your accomplishment. Return to Maestro Marvel with the golden instruments to receive your reward.
Hints for the Bard Key Quest
This quest can take a considerable amount of time to complete. It requires a lot of the same items that drop randomly. You may have to hunt down and kill many paragon creatures to get the drops, along with buying the key items needed from other players
Paragon creatures capable of dropping Special Artifacts and Treasure Maps as loot. The Paragons have a 10% chance of providing a special chest on death. This chest contains a map that is one level above whatever that creature would usually drop. Ingeniously drawn (Level 6) maps are obtainable via the chests dropped by monsters who would normally drop Devious (Level 5) maps. See the Global Artifact Drops list
If you are lucky enough to obtain a paragon wand, you can speed up the process
The Flute can be found in Tokuno and is part of the random drops from the Treasure of Tokuno artifact list