Treasure of Tokuno Quest

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Treasure of Tokuno Quest

The Tai Pan of the Islands of Tokuno has offered any Shogun, worthy of wearing a blackbelt, the challenge of recovering the stolen Treasures of Tokuno from our enemies! Any warrior that completes this take will be a HERO of this land and rewarded by the emperor!

Location: Travel to the Islands of Tokuno

There are 2 quests to complete, a minor quest and a major quest Read the Treasure of Tokuno section of the wiki and review the artifacts

Minor Quest

Quest: Kill our enemies and collect the random artifact drops in Tokuno
Reward: Blackbelt Socket Deed for a set of the 19 minor ToT artifacts (allows you to add augments to your blackbelt)

There are 19 Minor Artifacts to collect in Tokuno You can elect to turn in the 19 artifact set for a prize or trade them up for the Major Artifacts (no dyes)

The minor artifacts can be turned into the NPC Ihara Soko the Imperial Minister of Trade located in the Cultural Center of the city of Zento. He requires 10 minor artifacts to obtain a single major artifact.

Major Quest

Quest: Trade up the minor artifacts and collect the Major Artifacts
Reward: Hakama of the Shogun Artifact

There are 10 Major Artifacts to collect for the prize

Artifact Reward

If you are a worthy Samurai, have earned a blackbelt with a blackbelt socket deed and have earned 10 "Hakama of the Shogun" you can trade them in for the supreme prize of "Hakama of the Emperor"!


After you have collected your artifacts, place them in a bag and contact Dante for your prize!