Saco Pawn & Loan (Clothing Hamper)
Saco Pawn and Loan
Quest giver: Rory, The Proprietor Of Saco Pawn & Loan
Starting Point: Starts in Trinsic Pawn Shop, just NE of the Vendor Mall
Quest Reward:Clothing Hamper
Rory asks for help in acquiring some rare but valuable items, for some of his more demanding clients!
Virtue Stone
Seek Lord Graorin, The Paladin Equipment Master at Trinsic Paladin barracks a obtain the rare Virtue Stone
The equipment Master is a Contract System merchant and will require a full set of Virtue armor in exchange for the stone.
Collect these items:
- Arms of Compassion
- Breastplate of Justice
- Cloak of Humility
- Gauntlets of Valor
- Gorget of Honesty
- Helm of Spirituality
- Legs of Honor
- Sollerets of Sacrifice
The Sacred Buddha
This item will have to be stolen from a bridge in Tokuno Islands
Ancient Embroidered Pillow
This can be obtained The Vesper Museum Curator after you obtain for her items from the Desert Pyramid in Malas desert
- Ancient Mummy bandages- Kill the ancient Mummy
- An Urn full of Scented Mummification Oil
- Pottery Fragments - the pottery fragments are found inside AND outside, around the Pyramid
Bright Red Deer Mask
You must kill the Savage Queen in the Savage Camp in Ilshenar. Be aware, some masks are fake and only the real mask is acceptable
Five bones of Lord Minax
Kill the curs in a pack of roaming rabid dogs North of Britain until you find them.
Three Gems
Search the Catacombs underneath Vesper Graveyard till you find the hidden Gems.
Humility Cloak Bonus Quest
This is unrelated to complete the quest above. You can earn the additional missing "Humility Cloak" to complete the set so you can wear it all and get the combined suit bonus
Quest for the Humility Cloak for the virtue set
Locate "Gareth" the Paladin outside of the Giant Cathedral, walking around in the graveyard
"Greetings my friend! My name is Gareth, and I represent a group of Paladins who wish to rejuvenate interest in our kingdom's virtuous heritage. 'Tis our belief that one of Britannia's greatest triumphs was the institution of the Virtues, neglected though they be now. To that end I have a task prepared for one who would follow a truly glorious path. Art though interested in joining our efforts and going on a Holy Quest for a righteous cause?"
I need an unscrupulous person, such as yourself, to visit graveyards and dig up a Paladin relic called "Holy Hammer of Exorcism" and bring it to me.
As a reward I will gladly give you my "Cloak of Humility"
you will need to complete the Gravedigger Quest and earn the special shovel before this quest can be completed