Pirate Month

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Pirate Month Event

September is Pirate Month!

UO Evolution hosts a "Pirate Themed" month every September!

Here are some entertaining links to help you get in character and have some fun with this theme

Pirate Month Events

Labor Day Weekend! UO Evolution plans some fun events over the long 4-day holiday weekend

"Talk Like A Pirate Day" be celebrated on September 19, 'n would-be buccaneers who'd be tryin' t' natter like a corsair had best learn t' speak th' lingo. If ye reckon that jus' sayin'"arrrr" at th' end o' every utterance will fill yer sails 'n float yer ship, reckon again, landlubber. It'll jus' get ye tossed o'erboard! So don't settle fer bein' an imitation pirate, learn how t' be authentic n' colorful, like a real swashbucklin' scallywag o' th' sea!

Pirate Quests

There are several pirate quests you can complete for pirate gear, clothing and deco

Pirate Plunder Quest

Cursed Pirate Quest

Rare Pirate Treasure Maps

Every September is Pirate Month and we have special pirate maps you can earn at events, auctions and quests. These special maps drop special pirate treasure and deco. They are considerably harder to complete and may need extra skill in mining to be successful

Pirate Champion Spawn Event

This Pirate Champ is an exclusive custom spawn on UO Evolution!

Pirate Spawn:

  • Level 1 - Diseased Rats, Storm Wind, Crabs
  • Level 2 - Pirates and Skeleton Pirates, Harpy
  • Level 3 - Sea Serpent, Siren, Sea Elemental
  • Level 4 - Kraken, Jellyfish, Tentacles
  • Champion - Pirate Davy Jones

This boss drops a powerscroll or a special pirate coin, used to level up the Admiral Pirate Hat. The boss also has a chance to drop a rare Davy Jones' Locker pirate chest. The special chest can contain an augment, or Admiral Pirate Hat

Treasure and Rares

This is the best month to collect the pirate doubloons, to earn pirate hats and special pirate maps! There is also a ton of rare deco that can only be earned in September during Pirate Month!