Task System

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Task Event System

What is the Task System?


The custom Task System is a unique event system. It creates a random mini quest/task for players to do, that gives instant rewards and progressive rewards by completing each task. You use the command [event, open up a gump and follow the directions. Read the instructions and complete the task/quest. Once you complete the task you get awarded 1 point. As you collect points you will reach milestones and receive higher rewards.

To start the task system and open the gump, type the [event command

What kind of tasks are there?

At the moment there are 100+ tasks, but we will be adding more each month. So far there are tasks for gathering resources, taming, breeding and hunting. Crafting will be added soon as well

What are Milestone Rewards?

On the interface you will see a list of items, in the example you can see the rewards for completing 10 tasks.

The letters tell you the chance of being rewarded the item,

G = 100% (Guaranteed)
C = 75% - 50%(Common)
U = 50% - 25%(Uncommon)
R = Less then 25%(Rare)

There will always be something 100% and always be some rare things that can randomly drop. (Using Milestone bonus deeds will improve these numbers)

How often do you get tasks?

If you complete the task, a new one will be given automatically in 15-30 minutes.

If you choose to change the task without completing it, then the new one will appear in 30-60 minutes. (There are deeds to skip the delays.)

Special Task Deeds


There are special deeds that can reduce the wait time:

  • 1 minute "Task Event Speed Up" deed
  • 3 minute "Task Event Speed Up" deed
  • 5 minute "Task Event Speed Up" deed
  • 10 minute "Task Event Speed Up" deed
  • 15 minute "Task Event Speed Up" deed

You can find these deeds in Felucca dungeon chests

There are also special deeds that can completely skip a task, rest or give bonus

  • Gold - Reset the daily task count, so you can repeat tasks
  • Silver - 5% bonus chance added to your next milestone bonus
  • Bronze - Completes the current task and gives you another, with no delay
  • Copper - Removes the current task and gives you a new one, with no delay

You can get these deeds as rewards in the task system

How many milestones are there?

We add milestones each month, the current max milestone is 200 and will increase as players hit that number.

Milestones are currently at these intervals: 5,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,125 and +25 after that

What is the Daily Task Reward?

Each day a number of 8-16 is assigned to each player, if you complete that many tasks in the day you will earn a special reward for the day. On holidays and such the rewards can be very unique.

What do you get for completing a task?


You get 1 point for completing a task. You will also get some gold and in some cases there is a chance for a special reward.

>>>Earn Keys for the Daily Reward Chest<<<

A player can earn keys to unlock daily reward chests. You get Virtual "keys" by doing tasks/events and for participating in staff events.

You can also earn "keys" by visiting the market place or completing your daily task goal which rewards you with a virtual key for the chest.

Your reward chest will increase in level the more "keys" you accumulate and use on it. There are rare rewards in the chests that will only be found in this system.

Use these commands to open up the system gumps and earn keys:

[market = for the market gump
[event = for the task system gump

The Reward Chest is located inside Britain Bank vault, just click on the chest to open the gump!

How long does it run for?

The tasks start at the beginning of the month and will last for the full month. On the 1st of each month, a new list of tasks and rewards will be added.

Make sure you complete all tasks within the current month