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The act of hiding will make you invisible to other players.

Shoving through someone who is hidden will give a message 'You shove something invisible aside'.

If you speak while you are hidden you reveal yourself.

Players who take items from their own corpse while hiding will not be revealed. Looting other corpses while hidden will reveal the hider though.

Hiding is not possible when in combat.

Hiding is not possible when casting a spell.

Better hiders only have to run a small distance before they are able to hide again after breaking off combat.

The following skills will not unhide you when they are used: Detect Hidden, Item Identification, Anatomy, Arms Lore, Animal Lore, Evaluate Intelligence, Forensic Evaluation, and Poisoning.

Hiders may take damage from area effect spells, monster aura effects .

  • Training Hiding

In order to train Hiding, lots of thieves like to set a macro for Hiding on their spacebar, so whenever they type, they train without even meaning to.

Note: Try and hide in front of NPCs, players or animals for best gains