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Factions System

The Faction System is a broad game system designed to promote organized player conflict within the society of Britannia. The fundamental goal of the conflict is to provide a foundation for player conflict based upon meaningful and contextual combat and conflict-related interactions. The system is designed to encourage the inclusion of a wide array of player types through the use of game mechanics that appeal to a broad set of playstyles.

Factions is a group PvP system that exists only within the Felucca facet. The system consists of 4 Factions, 2 good and 2 evil, struggling for control of Britannia. Control is determined by eight Felucca cities (Britain, Magincia, Minoc, Moonglow, Skara Brae, Trinsic, Vesper and Yew). Cities are captured by stealing the town Sigil, taking it back to your base, holding it for 10 hours to corrupt, and then placing it back in the respective town. The town is secured for 3 days until the sigil can be stolen once again. All factions are aggressive towards each other, meaning each faction member can be attacked freely by members of another faction. This type of warfare only takes place in Felucca, enemy faction players appear neutral in all other facets.

To join a Faction, visit the stronghold of the one you wish to join and use the signup stone located near the entrance. You will be given a robe to show you allegiance and be able to join in the fight immediately.

The Factions

True Britanians
They follow the teachings of Lord British and their base is Castle Britannia in Britain.

Council of Mages
A good matured faction that have issues following the teachings of Lord British. Their base is in the Parliament Building in Magincia.

They follows the evil mage Minax. They are based in a mountain stronghold.

This faction follows 3 demonic entities known as the Shadowlords. Their base is the Yew Crypts.


Faction players are eligible for public office within their faction. The three eligible offices are: the office of Faction Commander, Town Sheriff, and Town Finance Minister.

Faction Commander
The office of Faction Commander is attained through an election process that occurs once per week. There is only one commander per faction. The Faction Commander may send a global command to all faction members twice per hour by simply saying, "message faction". Most commands made by the Faction Commander are decided through Faction and Town Stones.

Town Sheriff
Appointed by the elected Faction Commander to control the placement of guards in a captured faction city. There is one sheriff per city. Town Sheriff may view the town/city treasury and may hire guards by simply saying, "I am Sheriff" out loud.

Town Finance Minister
Appointed by the Faction Commander to manage taxes and resource vendors in a captured city. There is one finance minister per city. The Finance Minister may access the town/city treasury to change tax rates and may hire vendors by saying, "I wish to access the city treasury".

Reward Items

players can now use silver to purchase special items and equipment. These items are only usable by faction players. Worn equipment requires a certain level rank to use. Inside each stronghold near the faction stone is a Cooperative Collection chest. Donate silver to it and collect rewards. In the future, silver donated to the faction in this way will be beneficial to the faction.

  • Faction Stronghold Rune - 150 silver - On use, the faction member will be teleported directly to their stronghold faction stone, destroying the rune in the process. All normal flagging rules apply. A cool down between uses applies based on rank.
  • Shrine Gem - 100 silver - Upon death, the faction member will be offered to be teleported to a random shrine. If accepted, they are teleported and the gem is destroyed. The gem is blessed.
  • Supernova Potions - 100 silver - On use, creates a ring of fire around the player that inflicts fire damage to enemy targets within a 5 tile radius. The closer the enemy, the higher the damage will be. Damage is increased based on player’s Alchemy skill and Enhance Potions item property. There is a 2 minute cool down between uses.
  • Greater Stamina Potion - 50 silver per potion - On use, restores 100 stamina points over 5 seconds. The player cannot drink another such potion while one is already active.
  • Enchanted Bandages - 100 silver for 10 - Bandages that lift curses like Enchanted Apples do. Curses are removed regardless of healing skill or success of applying bandage. Standard application time rules apply.
  • Powder of Perseverance - 300 silver - On use, player can target a faction artifact reward to reset total durability on it. Each time the player uses a recharge on the item, the total durability will decrease (1st time 225/225, 2nd time 200/200, etc.). Faction artifacts can be recharged a maximum of 5 times.


  • A Primer on Arms Damage Removal
  • Clainin's Spellbook
  • Crimson Cincture
  • Crystalline Ring
  • Fey Leggings
  • Folded Steel Reading Glasses
  • Heart of the Lion
  • Hunter's Headdress
  • Kasa of the Raj-in
  • Mace and Shield Reading Glasses
  • Order Shield - Museum of Vesper Replica
  • Ornament of the Magician
  • Ring of the Vile
  • Rune Beetle Carapace
  • Spirit of the Totem
  • Stormgrip
  • The Inquisitor's Resolution
  • Tome of Lost Knowledge
  • Wizard's Crystal Reading Glasses