Hi, im a little bit confused, the Wiki says:
BaseDefenseScore (Parry) = (Parry * ShieldArmorRating * n%) + (Tactics * n%) + (Focus * n%)
ShieldArmorRating is the old AoS armor score for shields. Based on the base type of shield equipped (e.g. Mirror Shield is a Bronze Shield)
In AOS the shields already had resistances and no score.
If its the pre AoS armor rating that would be:
Buckler 7, Wooden 8, Bronze 10, Metal 11, Wooden Kite 12, Metal Kite 16, Heater 23, Order 30, Chaos 32
But then a Fever Fall thats based on an Order Shield would have a much higher BDS than a Mirror Shield, i dont think thats right.
Was there a hidden score in AOS that i dont know of and cant find anything about on stratics on web archive ?
Anyone knows something about this and can enlighten me ?