Astro Daemons

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Astro Daemons

Finding Astro Daemons! Beyond what the image already describes, there are a few extra tips: Astro Daemons will always hide upon reaching 50% HP for the first time.

Once they have hidden, they will never attempt to hide again, even if they fully regen their HP before being attacked again.

Astro Daemons will create a small puff of white gas both where they were standing and where they teleported to. Watch carefully as they reach 50% HP and you can determine where they teleported to without using tracking!

While Astro Daemons are hiding, they will repeatedly make a "RAWR! RAWR! RAWR! RAWR!" noise. The sound gets louder the closer you get, but it is difficult to pinpoint their exact location using only this method. It's a great way to tell if another player has gotten them down to 50% HP and left them behind though! Lucky you!

When using Reveal or Detect Hidden to attempt to locate the hidden Astro Daemon, you must select the exact tile they are standing on. Being off by even one will cause you to fail. This is important to understand if you are watching for the puffs of smoke, as the puff of smoke happens closer to the Daemon's center of mass. This means the tile you want to click will be below the puff of smoke.

Pets are another good way to locate the imps, the pet will usually point his nose at the target

You can also use a bleed attack or a Cu Sidhe pet that has a bleed attack, when the daemon hides, it will still show blood on the tile its hiding on!

The Spellweaving Wildfire spell will do the same as bleed attack as well, if you cast Wildfire it will show the tile location of the imp

Astro Daemon Video