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Chief Paroxysmus

  • One shot whatever he attacks with his Daemon Breath.
  • Summon random mobs (Ogre Lords, Savages, Orcs, Plague Beasts, Etc).



Focus your pets on the boss, and as Paroxysmus summons monsters, kill them with a bow. As Paroxysmus Kills a pet, be sure to resurrect and heal it up about halfway and resend onto the boss. Don't bother healing pets that are being hit, focus on getting the pet you just resurrected to half HP or so. A lot easier with 2 people.

In order to face Chief Paroxysmus you must first gather 8 items in order to enter his room and spawn him. 7 Items can be found on Putrid Slime, the other on the Putrifier.


Chief Paroxysmus Lore

Deep in the bowels of the earth, in a place known as the Palace of Paroxysmus, there lurked a monster unlike any other. He is known as Chief Paroxysmus, a Peerless monster of immense power and cruelty. He was a being of pure evil, a grotesque crime lord who ruled over the dark and twisted underworld with an iron fist.

Chief Paroxysmus was a giant among monsters, a monstrosity whose very breath killed all flora and fauna in its wake. His skin leaked poison, and his heart was made of pure ice. Everything in his path died, and his presence brought death, disease, disruption, and disillusionment to all who dared to enter his lair.

But the greatest danger posed by Chief Paroxysmus was his ability to "eat" pets and summoned creatures, restoring himself to full health almost instantly, even from near death. This made him a formidable opponent, even for the bravest and most powerful adventurers.

The challenge of defeating Chief Paroxysmus was made even greater by his poison-based attacks. He had a Lethal Poison area hit, which affected everyone on the same screen, and orange petals offered no protection against this special attack. Mages were advised to keep the spell “Arch Cure” ready at all times to counter the poison. Additionally, he had the ability to summon his targets to him on a regular basis, making it more difficult to evade him.

The Palace of Paroxysmus was also guarded by smaller, but still dangerous allies. These creatures were smaller, but still deadly, and they made the task of defeating the chief even more difficult.

But for those brave enough to take on the challenge, the rewards were great. The Palace of Paroxysmus was said to be filled with treasure and magical items beyond measure. And those who were able to defeat Chief Paroxysmus would be hailed as heroes, having thwarted the plans of the grotesque crime lord and saved the world from his tyranny.

So, gather your bravest companions and set out on the quest to hunt down Chief Paroxysmus. The fate of Britannia rests on your shoulders. Are you ready to face the Peerless monster and emerge victorious?