Hercules Quest

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Hercules Quest

Quest giver: King Eurystheus

Starting Point: Serpents Hold

Quest Reward: Ring of Hercules

This quest requires you to complete 12 feats of strength by gathering items from monsters located throughout the lands. Talk to King Eurystheus in Serpent's Hold City to receive his instructions.

Despise Gallery

  • A Nemean Lion Tooth
  • Lerna Hydra Scale
  • Antler of the Ceryneian Hind
  • Ham from Mt. Erymanthus Boar
  • Dung
  • Stymphalian Bird Feather
  • Cretan Bull Horn
  • Man eating Mare Tail
  • Hippolyte Girdle
  • Geryon’s Cow Hide
  • Hesperides Golden Apple
  • Cerberus’s Bone

The Neman Lion

Travel to the caves West of Minoc on the Trammel Facet. The Nemean Lion lives there with his young. If he is not there, killing his young may bring him running.

The Hydra of Lerna

Travel to the Lizard Passage in Ilshenar. You will have to walk South through the Lizard Camp. At the end of the passage, travel west to find the Hydra of Lerna. Caution is advised, Lerna is protected by Silver Serpents and the Hydra’s Master Hera.

Ceryneian Hind

Travel to Yew on the Felucca facet and find the old Yew Moongate location. The Hind will wandering the forests in this area. Kill the Hind and retrieve the Antler.

Erymanthus Boar

The Erymanthian Boar resides in a cave Northwest of Spirituality Shrine in Ilshenar. Slay the boar to retrieve the Ham.


This next task is a simple retrieval. The stables outside the city of Britain on the Felucca facet are a mess. Muck out the stables to obtain the Dung.

Stymphalian Bird

Travel back to Ilshenar through the gate of Spirituality. Go Northeast along the mountain. Pass the first Dungeon entrance (SE Dungeon) and continue following the wall. You will reach a cave with a nest of harpies inside. The Stymphalian Bird resides in this Lair. Kill the Birds until you find a feather.

Cretan Bull

The Cretan Bull resides in the Hedge Maze with his mate Pasiphae and their offspring Minotar. Kill the bull and obtain the horn from his corpse.

King Diomedes and his Man Eating Mare

King Diomedes lives upon an island with his Bristone Warrier and his man eating Mare. Travel to Skull Island and kill the mare to obtain it’s tail.


Once again in Ilshenar, enter through the gate for Sacrafice shrine. From here you must travel Directly North through Lakeshire City. (Alternatively you can enter Lakeshire directly, from the public gate under Ilshenar Cities) Hippolyte‘s fort is past the satyr encampment directly North of Lakeshire. To obtain the girdle, you must slay Hippolyte the Amazon Queen. Retreive the girdle gifted to her by Ares.


Start in Papua, on the Felucca facet. Travel through the South City exit. Directly outside the city East of the road lay the remains of the old Minax base. Geryon wanders these ruins. Kill Geryon and his cow. Skin the cow to obtain the hide.


Hesperides resides in the bowels of the Stygian Abyss. You must travel to the center of the dungeon. Hesperides can be found in a small grove with an apple tree. Kill her and take her golden apple


Cerberus can be found in Stygian abyss. After entering Tomb of King’s continue on through the gate leading into the Stygian Abyss. Cerberus must be killed to obtain the final piece, the bone, for this quest. Once you have retrieved all 12 Quest items, return and speak to King Eurystheus for your reward.