Herbalist Quest
Herbalist Quest
Quest giver: Ilorva the Master Herbalist
Starting Point: The Quest Castle
Quest Reward: A Boline Knife
To start this quest talk to Ilorva the Master Herbalist at the Quest Castle (Use the Public Moongate > Custom Areas > Quest Castle). Click her and choose "Talk", she wants you to go find his sister in Yew.
Go to Yew. From the center of Yew walk a bit West and you will find Milnora the Elderly Witch in a house. That's Ilorva's sister, say hello and then :Ilorva sent me:
She will tell you her cauldron is broken and she needs a new one, say this: cauldron
She thanks you and gives you a quest book and a letter to Ilorva. You need to:
- kill an Ancient Reaper (somewhere West of where you are)
- retrieve 10 wooden logs
Return to the questgiver Ilorva, talk to her and she will reward you with a Boline Knife
It has 50 uses on it and has your name inscribed on it. Equip it in your hand, double click it and target a tree to gather herbs with it.