Magi Quest

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The Magi Quest

Wisp magi.png

Quest giver: Magicus the Master of the Magi
Starting Point: Wind Felucca
Quest Reward: Random piece of Magi Armor

Magicus needs a magi scroll and magi ore:

  • To find the Magi scroll travel to the lower levels of the Destard Dungeon in Felucca
  • Kill the Magi dragon and he may randomly drop the Magi Scroll
  • To obtain Magi ore, seek out the Magi Elemental in the lowest level of the Wisp Dungeon in Ilshenar
  • Kill the Magi Elemental and he may randomly drop the Magi Ore

Once you have both the Magi Ore and the Magi Scroll, return to the Master of Magi in Wind magic shop. He will give you your reward.

Magi Lore

Deep in the heart of the Wind Felucca, Magicus, the Master of the Magi, sat in his magic shop surrounded by ancient tomes and mysterious artifacts. He looked up as an adventurer walked through the door, a determined look in their eyes.

"Ah, you have come seeking my aid," Magicus said with a knowing smile. "I am in need of a Magi Scroll and Magi Ore. Will you be the one to retrieve them for me?"

The adventurer nods, ready for the challenge.

"To find the Magi Scroll," Magicus continued, "you must travel to the lower levels of the Destard Dungeon in Felucca. There you will find the Magi Dragon. Kill him, and he may randomly drop the Magi Scroll."

The adventurer set out on their journey, navigating the twisting passages of the Destard Dungeon. They battled fierce monsters, but finally, they reached the Magi Dragon's lair. The dragon, a massive creature with scales as black as night, let out a deafening roar as it lunged at the adventurer. But the adventurer was prepared, and after a fierce battle, the dragon lay defeated on the ground, and the adventurer retrieved the Magi Scroll.

"To obtain Magi Ore," Magicus had said, "you must seek out the Magi Elemental in the lowest level of the Wisp Dungeon in Ilshenar. Kill the Magi Elemental and he may randomly drop the Magi Ore."

The adventurer traveled to the Wisp Dungeon, and after fighting their way through the dungeon's traps and monsters, they finally reached the Magi Elemental's lair. The elemental, a being of pure magic, unleashed bolts of energy at the adventurer, but they were able to dodge and defeat it. And as the elemental dissipated, it dropped the Magi Ore.

The adventurer returned to Magicus, the Master of the Magi, with the Magi Scroll and Magi Ore in hand. Magicus' eyes lit up as he took the items from the adventurer.

"You have done well," he said. "As a reward, I will give you a piece of Magi Armor. It may not be the most powerful armor, but it is imbued with magic that will protect you on your journey."

The adventurer accepted the reward, grateful for the powerful armor. And with that, they set out on their next adventure, protected by the magic of the Magi.