Discussion in   Player Vendor Shops   started     10 years ago   February 04, 2015, 05:39:45 PM   by   Volundr

The Insane Tinkers' Workshop Thanks Everyone

32 Posts
Topic :   The Insane Tinkers' Workshop Thanks Everyone
10 years ago  February 04, 2015, 05:39:45 PM

First and foremost, I would like to take a moment to thank the ENTIRE SERVER.
     Thorgal Pain and myself started this vendor shop together and opened ahead of schedule. We did so in an attempt to help contribute and provide goods to the server during the release of the black belt system. We opened quietly, late in the afternoon to little fanfare and no real advertising. What happened next astounded us beyond our greatest hopes and dreams. I am happy to announce to the entire UO Evolution player base that The Insane Tinkers' Workshop has made a net profit of 1 billion gold (yes, billion- thats not a typo) in less than a week. We have also made more than 5000ED. This is not including production costs, investments, nor the gold still sitting on vendors.

    It has been a pleasure providing this service to all of you, and we will continue to serve the UO Evolution community to the best of our ability. Please stay tuned for our official grand opening. We are trying to decide on the best way to make it fun for everyone. So keep your eyes and ears open and we'll be in touch soon.

Once again I can not thank all of you enough. It's a lot of work keeping these vendors stocked, but you the players make it all worthwhile. Thank all of you!

Thorgal Pain
254 Posts
#1 Re :   The Insane Tinkers' Workshop Thanks Everyone
10 years ago  February 04, 2015, 06:00:45 PM

I just wanna take a second to also thank everyone and promise you that we will do our best to keep the vendors filled with quality and usefull items and to respond to private mesages as quick as possible. We will try our best to stay ahead and always deliver an impecable client service.
After all, if it wasn't for all of you, we would not be in this wonderfull predicament! So cheers to you all!

Thorgal Pain

Ps: you can always contact either Volundr or myself for any item on display.

204 Posts
#2 Re :   The Insane Tinkers' Workshop Thanks Everyone
10 years ago  February 04, 2015, 08:30:42 PM

soooo, like, when yas guys gunna adopt meh? 

*cheesy grin*


180 Posts
#3 Re :   The Insane Tinkers' Workshop Thanks Everyone
10 years ago  March 11, 2015, 05:20:50 AM

I wish I had your seemingly never ending supply of good stuff.  Where are you guys getting all your items to sell.

Thorgal Pain
254 Posts
#4 Re :   The Insane Tinkers' Workshop Thanks Everyone
10 years ago  March 11, 2015, 05:58:49 AM

For my part, all the items i have are from hoarding for years, friends leaving the shard and house drops. I keep an eye out all year long for houses that may drop.