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Virtual Economics of UO Evolution
6 years ago May 04, 2018, 11:36:25 AM
I encourage everyone to read "The In-game Economics of Ultima Online" by Zachary Booth Simpson. It was written way back in 1999 during the early years of UO and had some great insights on the inner workings of a virtual economy.
This paper, along with some good advice, I was able to avoid many of the pitfalls that the original Ultima Online experienced when I created a shard. I was determined to design a player economy that worked
After operating a shard for over 7 years, I learned a lot of information from trial and error as well as from this paper
Last week I was reading this paper again, and decided it was time to update this information for the 20th anniversary of Ultima Online.
Let me start by saying everyone has an opinion about how economies should work. Right or wrong, we have tried them all in an attempt to create a dynamic virtual player economy. It seems simple enough to follow the basic economic rules, but with a college education, experience in business and with an Ultima Online Shard has taught me it is not the simple task players think. I have read many opinions and papers related to this subject and have added some of their insights and excerpts along with my own thoughts about the best way to run a UO economy.
I have outlined some of the basic economic principles for review and have attempted to show how we apply them to the UO Evolution Shard. Please read over this information carefully before arguing with the staff over our decisions.
Feel free to post your economic theories, gold sink ideas or any other pearls of wisdom you might have to improve the shard
Admin Dante - Owner - UO Evolution Custom Ultima Online Shard
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