Discussion in   Tutorials   started     11 years ago   March 18, 2014, 07:18:23 PM   by   Domino

Loot Bags

114 Posts
Topic :   Loot Bags
11 years ago  March 18, 2014, 07:18:23 PM


  • Type [claim -t or [grab -t - target lootbag
  • Use the lootbag gump that appears to remove/add any items you would like your character to loot. Please bear in mind that if you leave the default items on your bag you will loot ALL Armor and Jewelry-which can quickly overload your character.
  • [Claim  Claims all loot which you have previously set up off any corpse you target
  • [Grab  Claims all loot which you have previously set up off corpses in an area
  • [Claim -c Will cut a corpse before claiming loot- remember to add the resources you want to claim to your lootbag list-also again keep in mind you can quickly become overweight

Thorgal Pain
254 Posts
#1 Re :   Loot Bags
11 years ago  March 18, 2014, 09:17:35 PM

Good place to visit when you are customising your loot bag is the museum, the pearless quest item display room, quest castle and brit castle for augments and such.

20 Posts
#2 Re :   Loot Bags
10 years ago  June 23, 2014, 03:36:05 PM

thx for this post so...

I have to target items I wish to loot or items I don't wnna loot?

730 Posts
#3 Re :   Loot Bags
10 years ago  June 23, 2014, 05:07:07 PM

  I suggest creating an alt character, each character is allowed a free loot bag.

  The reason behind this, is simply that the gump is going to be confusing at first, and testing things out on a throwaway loot bag will help you in the long run.

Get familiar with adding and subtracting things from the gump, see how everything works.  Once you have the basics down, then go back on your main, and add/subtract things to the that characters loot bag slowly over time.

  [Helpful Hint 1]

Your going to probably want 3 Macro buttons.  a Claim, a Grab, and a Claim -c button, for leather cutting/collecting.

  UO has a built in Macro creator, found under: Paperdoll > options > Macro Options {last tab on the bottom left} which is great for simple macros like this.

 Try using the same button for similar things; for instance:

     (z) for [Claim (z+alt) for [Claim -c and (z+Ctrl or Shift) for [Grab.

  [Helpful Hint 2 & 3]

  As far as I know there is no return to defaults button for the Loot bag 'gump' options.

  Lastly, some things are set as groups by default, deleting these groupings, means you have to then add each item, under that grouping, back to your list individually. This can suck.

  I am not an expert when it comes to the loot bag, but I do know some things.


20 Posts
#4 Re :   Loot Bags
10 years ago  June 23, 2014, 07:02:00 PM

oh I see wow thx for the heads up id of def messed mine up.. I will do that then. thx again

9 Posts
#5 Re :   Loot Bags
10 years ago  June 25, 2014, 11:32:42 AM

Word of warning: once you loot, the body disappears so if you left anything off the gump, it's gone! I found out he hard way. Figured I would loot the stuff on the macro, then clean up the arties, etc.  NOPE!!! Lost 'em all...  :o

20 Posts
#6 Re :   Loot Bags
10 years ago  June 26, 2014, 03:56:48 PM

well when I loot.. I get w.e artie droped on my main backpack after [grab

230 Posts
#7 Re :   Loot Bags
10 years ago  June 26, 2014, 05:03:10 PM

There are separate artifacts that occasionally drop directly to corpses as well. These have some overlap with the direct drop-to-backpack artifacts, but there are many you'll only see on corpses.

20 Posts
#8 Re :   Loot Bags
10 years ago  June 26, 2014, 05:27:51 PM

so for sure check to corpse before grabing?

230 Posts
#9 Re :   Loot Bags
10 years ago  June 26, 2014, 05:42:33 PM

Well, depends. Most the drop-to-corpse artifacts are pretty mediocre. You may find something interesting now and again though.

20 Posts
#10 Re :   Loot Bags
10 years ago  June 27, 2014, 02:17:37 PM

iv gotten two so far really high lvl of arty but kinda crappy

74 Posts
#11 Re :   Loot Bags
10 years ago  July 01, 2014, 08:45:04 AM

The luck armor, for instance, is found on the corpse.  It doesn't appear in your bag.  :)  I also check it out before I claim (unless I'm in a huge hurry, like something big is after me LOL)

275 Posts
#12 Re :   Loot Bags
9 years ago  January 25, 2016, 10:05:42 PM

How would I go about setting a bag up that all the items from gold panning automatically go to, instead of my main bag?

I tired it through UOsteam, but they are still placed into the main pack.  Perhaps I did it incorrectly.

730 Posts
#13 Re :   Loot Bags
9 years ago  January 26, 2016, 01:23:23 PM

 The feature you are looking for is an Organizer. The [Claim or [Grab commands are for looting creatures. The gold panning system is not a creature so it puts what you panned up into your main backpack, hence why you are having the issue.

  Like I said, an Organizer is simple and fast to use, though the initial set up can be a pain-- but worth it the end.


  Create Orgainzer 1

  Select containers: First select your main backpack, then select your loot bag-- or another bag you wish your panned items to go into.

  Next, have one of each possible gold panning item available. Then insert/add each one to the list of things your organizer will move from the first set container, to the second set container.

  Lastly, set up a button, and test it out. (make sure items are in your main pack for this test)

   Hope this helps.


275 Posts
#14 Re :   Loot Bags
9 years ago  January 26, 2016, 11:44:19 PM

Thank you very much.  Looks like I need to figure out more of this system again, lol.

Ok problem solved.  Was easy once the items were added to the list.  Have started adding the various turn I items for a belt and the library as well to separate bags.  Now a few clicks and the bags are all sorted and neat looking again.