All right ladies and gentlemen we are here to whip your avatars into shape...
KO… let start by raising your Spirit Speak lets get this skill to 100..
Now there is a few ways you can go about doing this one is to set a simple script like this…
useskill "Spirit Speak"
pause 10000
Or if you want to do some smart scripting
if mana > 30
useskill "Spirit Speak"
pause 10000
if mana <= 30
useskill "Meditation"
while mana < maxmana
pause 1000
I know your like what did you do there…
that fist line
if mana > 30
has steam check your mana to see if it is greater than ( > ) 30+
if it is use skill spirit speak then wait 10 sec.
useskill "Spirit Speak"
pause 10000
This next part is what makes the script smart
So the condition is not set off if the mana is less than 30 . Since that didn’t do this…
if mana <= 30
use skill "Meditation"
Steam/ Assist checks to see if your mana is lessthan (<) or (=) equal too 30
use skill meditation
while mana < maxmana
pause 1000
While is a loop in the code here we are saying "While your mana is not full pause here for a 1 sec. and check once more to see if its full if not pause once more… it will do that till the mana is full then go back to casting spirit speak now that its full…
the first endif is to end the second condition we set in the first condition and the second endif closes the first … I know that sounds crazy but it makes sense does it not??
i will be adding more tomorrow so check back then we will see how to check the skill to see if it is at 100 and if it is run another macro see you all tomorrow...