This script is useful to combine alot of quest items that you get off mobs during Power hours.
For this month of July, it will combine all the Fireworks you loot into a single one.
To adapt to other quest items, just change the type after @findtype in the first line (0xa12 = firework), you can find it by using the "Object Inspector" button and selecting the "graphic" value
Just copy/paste this into a new macro in UOS, then play it
// Combine quest items
// Author: Kyramir (UO Evolution)
@unsetalias 'questitem'
// Set to the quest item type to combine
while @findtype 0xa12 'any' 'backpack'
if not @findalias 'questitem'
@setalias 'questitem' 'found'
ignoreobject 'found'
autotargetobject 'found'
useobject 'questitem'
pause 600
@unsetalias 'questitem'
sysmsg 'FINISH!' 28