I found a couple Mining Macros for UOSteam that worked alright for what they were made for. I decided to piece a few of them together with some of my own stuff.
What this macro does, is Mines the location directly in front of you until it has no more ore. After that it goes threw your backpack checking if you have ore to smelt and smelts it on a portable forge for you and stops the macro
How To Use -
When you hit play, It will ask you to target your portable forge.
Make sure you are facing a minable location.
After it mines out the location And smelts the ore it will stop on its own.
Simple as that.
I put this macro on a hotkey and use it wait until its done then I move on by myself and start over.
//Make SURE you have a portable forge on you...
if not @findalias 'mobile forge' promptalias 'mobile forge'
if @findtype '0xf39' 'any' 'backpack' 'any' '2'
@usetype '0xf39' '0' 'backpack' '1' 1
elseif @findtype '0xe86' 'any' 'backpack' 'any' '2'
@usetype '0xe86' 'any' 'backpack' 'any' '2'
waitfortarget 5000
if direction == 0
targettileoffset 0 -1 0
elseif direction == 1
targettileoffset 1 -1 0
elseif direction == 2
targettileoffset 1 0 0
elseif direction == 3
targettileoffset 1 1 0
elseif direction == 4
targettileoffset 0 1 0
elseif direction == 5
targettileoffset -1 1 0
elseif direction == 6
targettileoffset -1 0 0
elseif direction == 7
targettileoffset -1 -1 0
headmsg 'No Tools Found!'
pause 600
if @injournal 'no metal' 'system'
headmsg 'No More Ore Here'
pause 1000
headmsg 'Smelting Ore'
while @findtype '0x19b9' 'any' 'backpack' '1' '2'
@usetype 0x19b9
waitfortarget 750
target! 'mobile forge'
while @findtype '0x19b8' 'any' 'backpack' '1' '2'
@usetype 0x19b8
waitfortarget 750
target! 'mobile forge'
while @findtype '0x19b7' 'any' 'backpack' '2' '2'
@usetype 0x19b7
waitfortarget 750
target! 'mobile forge'
while @findtype '0x19ba' 'any' 'backpack' '1' '2'
@usetype 0x19ba
waitfortarget 750
target! 'mobile forge'
headmsg 'Mining and Smelting Finished!'
If you have any problems or just like this, Leave a comment!
Thank you