Discussion in   The Rusty Anchor Tavern   started     11 months ago   April 04, 2024, 10:59:55 PM   by   Squeax

The day I found Grace

12 Posts
Topic :   The day I found Grace
11 months ago  April 04, 2024, 10:59:55 PM

I was fifteen when I found Grace.  Sifu had sent me out into the mountains to gather herbs. He told me he expected me to be gone for about a month. I should take both the packys. I could ride one of them.  

Grabbing my travel gear I stuffed it in a pack . I'd take some bread and some cheese, salt and a few other spices. I would live off the land. I am used to that.  I would leave in the morning. 

Sifu made dinner that evening. Gently teasing me about my cooking skills.  You need a good meal tonight Squeax. I know how well you cook with the best gear. I also know how well you cook on the trail.  EAT GIRL!  Laughing I dug into dinner. I might be pint sized but I can EAT. We talked about my route. I took even more detailed notes about a particular herb he wanted. Then bid him good night.

I left during the blue hour, my LEAST favorite time of the day. I call it the blue hour because Mama swore I turned the air blue cussing at waking up so early. Yeah that time when the sky is almost light. Yep I was cussing Sifu out but what can you do? When the master says Go you go. You do not ask questions. You also do that cussing under your breath because if heard?  Nothing ever good. 

I would reach the plain just after sunrise and the foothills by noon. I start early in the day to make camp early.  Then I gather until dark.  Rinse and repeat until my list is complete. 

I was six days into the deep mountain, about 10 days into my trip when I saw the hoof prints. Then I smelled that smell, you know the brimstone smell, associated with Nightmares. There were a LOT of prints and the smell was overpowering. 

BUGGER ME!  I counted six distinct sets of tracks, that's a lot of Nightmares. WAY too many for me to handle alone. At least they are a few days old. Pausing to think I was close to the secondary route Sifu and I talked about. I could check to see if the herd went that way and decide.

Riding slowly along the trail, following the tracks. I see they went down the secondary trail. I could go on as planned. Another mile or so down the road is where I had planned on camping. I would set  wards tonight for extra security. It would be as if I vanished into the night.

I walked a bit away from the campsite to a pond I knew. I wanted to wash the dirt off me. I take that opportunity whenever I can. I had other needs to see to as well. Mama always said don't shit where you sleep.

I get to the pond and shuck my clothes off, ready to dive into the cool clear water when I hear it. A small cough, kind of like a cat with a hairball. That's not right! That sound grabs my attention  and focuses it. I hear it again and head toward it. Doing my best to walk carefully with no sound. I try to grab the shadows to wrap them around me. It's always safer to do that when walking into the unknown.  Stopping, I sniff the air and smell faint brimstone. I hear that cough again and it suddenly hits me what I'm hearing. OH SHIT, I'm thinking hard, I'm in deeper trouble than I thought. THAT is the sound of a newborn Nightmare. Where there's a baby there's a mama. 

Closing my eyes I reach HARD for the shadows. I feel them carefully, wrapping them around my body. I listen carefully when I hear that cough again. I'm listening for the answering mother. She should have rowled back by now. I hear nothing but that cough. It sounds desperate.  Still no answer I must decide. There is no choice, not for me. Moving carefully, wrapped in shadows toward the sound I see it. A newborn Nightmare!  

Looking quickly around, sniffing cautiously I don't SEE mama or smell anything but the foal. 

Praying to all I believe in, I release the shadows and walk slowly forward towards the foal, waiting for death from an unseen pissed off mother. My heart is hammering as I reach the foal, I can see it's a male. I can see he is only hours old. The tracks show the mare leaving. Why would she leave him?

I made my choice when I released the shadows. I reach in my pack for my dagger and draw it across my palm. I hold my bleeding hand out to the colt so he can imprint on me.  I would feed him as soon as we got to camp. I had a rabbit there for my dinner that is now his. I'll eat tubers tonight instead.

I will call him Grace.