Discussion in   The Rusty Anchor Tavern   started     11 months ago   April 13, 2024, 05:34:24 PM   by   Squeax

Samuel joins the pack

12 Posts
Topic :   Samuel joins the pack
11 months ago  April 13, 2024, 05:34:24 PM

Well Joseph what do you have for me today?  Not more liches I hope.  grumbling. I glare at the man offering bounties on various monsters. 

 Smirking at me he tosses down a paper. Nope, not liches today. You can kindly keep that wee beastie out of my way too. I dont take kindly to being stabbed!

A quick glance shows me there is an over abundance of blood elementals over in Ilshenar. The pay rate is quite good. Still I dicker with him until he also promises to toss in a vet kit, maybe goo if I get it done fast.

 Yeah sure ok. We can do this. Grace and Winstonette can handle the balrons. Thanks. See you in a bit.

Heading out I hear a whisper on the wind.  Whatcha up to Squeax?  comes from my friend Crono.   Heading out to run down some blood elementals. Want to join me? 

Well of course he does! Most excellent,  I enjoy company while hunting. We meet at the entrance to the dungeon.  I explain the plan. Stay away from the way back. There are too many paragons and BBU back there. WAY too many for us. 

We head in and clear the left front wing. We took down a paragon Lord of the Abyss. Then headed down the middle. I head east and see a ghost cu hanging around, I'd seen a ghost run past. Just as I started to send a message that I could resurrect the pet KA POW! 

The world goes freaking grey.   I'm a ghost, Grace is a ghost, Winstonette is a ghost and so is Crono. I look around and what do I see?  A freaking ugly arse puppy! It's an elder werewolf puppy! That puppy chomped my ass in a half bite, took out Grace with the other half and a flick of the tail slammed Winstonette out.  I didnt see what part knocked Crono into the grey. 

Running up to the altar I feel its power reach out to me, bringing me back to the realm of color.  I grab the shadows fast and wrap them around myself.  I tell Crono to meet me up top. I have to go rescue my ghosts.  I didnt want to kill that werewolf pup. I wanted to tame it!  He understood but didnt have the time.  Bidding him safe travels and fair winds I decide to sit and think for a moment.

Breathing quietly in the dark, relaxing my muscles, I try hard to remember everything Sifu ever said about werewolves. Deadly, mean, temperamental, hungry, always hungry. Well can't be worse than Grace or Favor. We already know how bad Winstonette can rage.  Plus it's a helpless, ok maybe not helpless, little, definitely NOT little, puppy. Ok yes it's a freaking puppy that ate me AND Grace AND Winstonette AND Crono. And I want to bring him home. What could possibly go wrong?