Discussion in   The Rusty Anchor Tavern   started     11 months ago   April 05, 2024, 10:52:36 AM   by   Squeax

Leaving home part 1

12 Posts
Topic :   Leaving home part 1
11 months ago  April 05, 2024, 10:52:36 AM

I remember the day Sifu came to get me. I was only five. I remember the row Mama and Da had over it. They had been arguing for EVER, at least to a five year old, about it. Da said it was for the best. Mama refused to let her baby girl go. Sure I was the last of her babies, number 13 and the only girl. Yeah you read it right I have TWELVE older brothers. Its a good thing Mama was a talented jeweler and Da a decent smitty.  There were an awful lot of us to feed, clothe and educate. I was ONLY five, I should have been 13 when I went to apprentice. She was hoping I would go to the musicians hall, not to Sifu.  She didnt want her baby girl living like that.  Sadly for her, my main talent and interest in this life wasnt music. Close but no cigar. The main love of my little life was animals. I was forever bringing something or other home to care for or heal. Usually it was limited to cats, rabbits, birds and puppies. Sometimes though I forgot the rules and it WASNT.  The thing that got my Da scared was when the snake followed me home. He found me curled up in its coils sleeping. Thankfully it wasnt venomous, or so I thought,  or Da would have been a goner.   I can still hear his voice low and commanding. 

Keyvah Elaraa Tarrent come here NOW!  

There was no refusing that voice OR being true AND full named. I opened my eyes and grinned at my Da. 

Hello Da. See what I found? Can I keep her? Please please.

From the look on his face and the axe in his hand I could see the answer was NO.  Begging wouldnt work. Not with a true naming and the rage I saw in his eyes. Crying I slipped out of Snakeys coils and slowly went to my Da. 

Dont kill her Da please! I will take her to the field and explain things so she goes away.

I couldnt stand for Snakey to get killed because I made a mistake bringing her into the stable. I knew better of course. I was only five and tended to forget things like this. First rule of critters is DONT bring home things that can eat me.

Snatching me up, the axe came down and Snakey became boots.  Screaming and crying, I kicked and hit my Da. It was unfair!  Tossing me over his shoulder he called out to one of my brothers to dress that thing out. 

Hauling me into the house still screaming and fighting he tossed me onto my bed and shut the door.  

Stay there and think about the rules Squeax. I need to talk to your mother.

I could hear bits of the talk. Voices were raised. Things were said like Do you want a drake in here next? She's too talented, she cannot control this within her. Mama mostly agreed but wanted me home, not sent out. She thought if she sent me to the music master for extra lessons she could make me forget animals. Then the door opened and my fifth brother brought in the carcass. The next thing I heard was. 

Go get Thorton. Its worse than I thought. 

12 Posts
#1 Re :   Leaving home part 1
11 months ago  April 14, 2024, 03:25:20 PM

What had little me brought home that changed mama's mind?  A silver serpent!  Yep, little me had found her while I was wandering around and started to talk to her. 

I hear a soft knock on my door, it opens and Jarret sticks his head around the door.  What did you bring home this time Squeax? Did you forget the number one rule again?

Jarret is my fourth older brother. He is the one I am the most like. My favorite brother of them all. Except he has the voice of an angel and I croak like a frog. He cant play a pipa though and I can! 

I nod my head, eyes still red from crying and snot running.  He comes in and sits with me offering me his hankie to wipe my face.

She was so pretty and alone. She just wanted to see where I lived. 

Taking my chin in his big hand, he takes the hankie and does a better job of cleaning my face.  I know little one. All the animals love you, and you love them too.  Why don't you try to take a nap. Sheamus went to get Sifu.  

Jarret sat with me while I drifted off, exhausted from crying and from my tantrum. 

2 Posts
#2 Re :   Leaving home part 1
5 months ago  October 16, 2024, 07:53:49 AM

i really like this honestly i can understand the brother sitution i have 8 four of them are younger than me and four are older