~grrrr I had to start a new account. flipping thing would NOT let me in under Squeax. So yes this indeed the same person as Squeax, the same who wrote the other little stories. ~
There I was deep down in the bowels of Shame. Crawling around in the dark looking for treasure! I had heard there were special treasures that could be found on certain locked boxes. I wanted in on that! My main love may well be ponies, hunting treasure was what paid the ponies bills. Goddess knows few can afford my ponies. So I have a lot to feed. Anway deep down in Shame, so far down I found the islands. The shadows gathered around me so few monsters could find me, I stealthed around to my favorite chest location. It was there! No one had gotten to it before me. Checking around I creeped up slowly. I can pick locks and hold the shadows. Opening a chest? Well thats another story. They always go BOOM when opened. I never picked up the knack for disarming them. Yup lots of burned fingers for me. Picking the lock swiftly I looked around one more time. Good no mithril serpent wanting my guts for breakfast, no elder beholder wanting to zap my brain. I release the shadows and open the chest. BOOOM BABY! Thankfully my dragon hide gloves kept my fingers safe this time. I look inside and just start grabbing. These chest tend to disappear fast once they are open. Nope no goo, nope no deeds but wait WHAT IS THAT? I spy a battle axe and snatch it out just as the chest vanishes. I got lucky! Tired, hungry and happy with my finds I call for the wind to take me out of here. Yeah it will set me in Brit not at home but it is what it is. I can always recall home from Brit.
Sitting at the bank was my friend Nightman. Walking over I sit down next to him and start hauling my treasures out. We chat about this or that. Then I bring out the axe. It doesnt look like much to me. Its dirty, heavy, rusty and I swear the handle isnt quite attached. I think I got had by the RNG Chest God again. Whistling Night asks to see it. So of course I hand it over. He starts chanting at it, then rubs a bit on the blade. He hands it back and says "Squeax you really should take this to Skarth. See what he can do with it. I think its pretty valuable. It might even have a name. My spell wont pull it up though. " Laughing I stuff it in my pack again. "Sure Ill take it over. I think I got boned again though." I whistle for Charles, Samuel and Adam are out with the herd playing guardian werewolf. Scribbling a quick note to Skarth asking if hes home, I had it to Charles, then picture Skarth in my mind. "Charles, Take this to Skarth please. Come right back if hes home. Wait if he isnt. I will be here." Yeah I have to tell the boys stuff like that. If I dont? Well they wander off after the task is done. They are like that. In due course I get the reply that yes Skarth is home and not busy. Sure he would like to see this axe. Finishing my drink I bid Nightman see ya laters and head on over to talk with Skarth.
When I arrive I see Skarth at his forge. Phew he wasnt working bows today. I dont want to distract him from that. " Hey Squeax, whats up? Let me see what you found." I hand over the rusty dusty axe. He walks over to his work bench and starts fiddling with various items. What they are, I have no clue, Im no crafter. Turning around Skarth tells me "This will be a minute. Shouldnt be too long. Check out the new bows in the box over there while you wait." Grinning wide I go over to check out the new bows hes working on. Getting to look in Skarth's crafting box is like me taking you to my foal paddock! I get lost in the bows, testing the pull on a few just admiring the magical sheen on others. Skarths doing his thing with that axe. All of a sudden I hear a whoop of laughter from Skarth, startled, I look up then walk over to see whats funny. There is the axe I found looking nothing like a rusty dusty RNG God screwing, and everything like a very high end piece of equipment. "Squeax" he says tears of laughter running down his cheeks" This is one of my first creations. I made it for a very old lord. See this mark here? Check your axe and your bow. See these marks? They were made by magic. The old man must have taken it to a sorcerer and had it named." I look closely at the mark, yep I know that well. I look at the lettering and thank Sifu for pounding that in my head. Shaking my head I look closer and start laughing. "Skarth my friend, I wonder what deed he did to name it Grandma's Underpants."