Discussion in   The Rusty Anchor Tavern   started     11 months ago   April 04, 2024, 03:59:12 PM   by   Squeax

Bass akwards

12 Posts
Topic :   Bass akwards
11 months ago  April 04, 2024, 03:59:12 PM

Since I posted the start of Squeax story in the wrong place Ill continue as I started.  Heck Ill add it into her "personality"  she's always messing up and a half step behind! On a personal OOC note. I do not EVER engage in PvP. I will not start any and I will not participate in any.  Do not include me/Squeax in such. Yes I know this kind of contradicts a little in the upcoming about her.  BUT I will not be starting any tavern brawls here, my friend who enjoyed PvP left UO. 


Squeax is a smaller than average human woman. She is about 4 and a half feet tall. She is built dainty and delicate. She has a bite scar on her butt from a nip Grace gave her.  She also has several tiny round needle size scars near that bite mark, one on her face. They are from Winstonette's sewing needle. Her hair is long and sandy blonde, her complexion dusky, eyes brilliant green. She isnt young but she isnt old either, maybe early 20s. She is always messing up simple things but tries hard to get it right. Her weapon of normal choice is a poisoned doubled bladded staff.  Upon awakening here she realized that is totally useless and is attempting to learn to swing an axe that is almost as big as she is! She can be chaotic in nature when riled.  Her favorite sport USED to be going into a tavern, walking up to the biggest ,dumbest, brute in the room and telling that person their mama taught snakes to suck eggs.  Then hiding behind her companion Wulf, while he cleared the tavern of anyone that wished to take offense to her statement.  Wulf found other lands to walk and has moved on. Leaving her at some what of loose ends, relearning how to behave.  Now she is just happy wandering around the world. 

Traveling with her is Grace, her nightmare. Hes slightly on the stupid side.  She found him merely hours old unbonded to anyone.  He has bonded to Squeax so she can kind of know what hes thinking.  Hes grumpy when hungry and known to bite.  Hes known to toss poison around, and has poisoned Squeax more than a few times. On purpose? Only Grace really knows.

SHE is Winstonette, the carrier of the sewing needle. Winstonette is a pixie and quite tempramental.  She uses that sewing needle to poke people she is irritated with. This happens OFTEN! Shes a pixie! She is the one being in the universe Grace adores with out reservation.  He even bears a few scars from that bloody needle of hers.  He didnt retaliate one time!  Of course who really knows which of the two would win that fight.  She isnt exactly a pet and she defineately has cupboard love for Squeax.  Meaning feed me and I dont poke you. . . . . .much.