Discussion in   The Rusty Anchor Tavern   started     11 months ago   April 07, 2024, 09:26:56 AM   by   Squeax

A long day ends with a note!

12 Posts
Topic :   A long day ends with a note!
11 months ago  April 07, 2024, 09:26:56 AM

While I drag myself back to my camp, exhausted after a long day hunting down harpies and lizardmen.  I'm thinking how tired I am yet still have much to do. Grace must be tended to. Really in my best interest to see he is fed and groomed. He gets a little feral after a long day of killing.  Then there is my own meal to tend to and my gear to fix up.  I really need to find a good smitty to fix this thing, maybe a tailor.  

As I approach my temporary home I see someone has been here.  Glancing around I see boot prints around my fire.  Grace snuffle roars and paws the ground.  Hes unhappy someone has broached the camp.  I'm not really thrilled about it myself. I thought I set wards. At least its boots in the dust, not hooves or pawprints. Human I can deal with, even as tired as I am. . . . or Grace can.

Looking around and checking to see what might be missing or disturbed I notice a little bird sitting in a branch. It has a note on its leg.  Whistling for it I hold up my hand.  I carefully take the message tube and release the bird.  

I believe I have what you seek.  I will contact you when I return to these lands. PLEASE would you take her back  and off my hands?  I'm tired of THIS being poked at me.  ~ Explicit~

*taped to the bottom of the note is a tiny needle*

Grace GRACE look at this!  I take the note and tiny needle over to Grace to show him.  Sniffing at the bit of paper, Grace snorts and lights it on fire.  Yeah I'm used to that. Poison, lightning and fire. That's what you get when you insist on having critters like Grace around.  

SHE has been found. Perhaps I'm not as excited as I should be. After all that needle of hers can hurt.  I rub the scar on my cheek and start thinking about if I will give it back to HER or not.