Topic :
Where is she?
11 months ago April 03, 2024, 04:51:13 PM
Last edited on April 05, 2024, 12:11:46 PM
Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, stretching as I wake up in a new place yet again. Looking around I wonder, is this it? Is this HOME? Can I settle here perhaps maybe stop my wandering? Can I find her, my little buddy? Will she remember me? I hope so! It took me for EVER to get her to stop poking me with that darn sewing needle. I never should have let her convince me it would keep her safe. Little tyrant just wanted the thing to poke me when she's upset. Which if anyone knows pixies is often! Especially if I am slow to wake up for adventure.
Rolling out of my bedroll I sniff the air, checking for signs of wild, lavender and pine. Her scent, I would know it anywhere. Not finding it I glance at the embers, trying to decide on breakfast or searching for her. Grace roars at me. Doesnt matter if I want breakfast or not, HE does. It really is in my best interest to see Grace is fed and fed FAST!
"Hey baby boy" moving slowly, if I wake up cranky? Grace is a terror, he just MIGHT take my hand right along with the bloody rabbit I hold out. Nightmares are like that you know. You never know just when they want to take a bite out of YOU. Ive got a nice bite scar on my butt, right next to half a dozen tiny little scars from HER. Breakfast was slow that day. "shh shh shhhh boy, that's it take your breakfast. Leave me my fingers please." Holding out another rabbit for him to take. Really he is a dainty eater. He isnt like my brother's nightmare. Cant feed Favor with out getting messy yourself.
I take his brush out of my pack. "Time for a brush down Grace, then we are off to search for her." Grace stomps his feet and roars. Hes anxious for adventure, hes anxious to find her too. This surprises me. He was a victim of her little needle too.
Grace is special, I found him as a colt. He couldnt have been more than hours old. He hadnt had time to bond with anyone in his herd before I found him. So he bonded with me. Which means I can sense his thoughts such as they are. Guess Im the lucky one. Hes a little dumber than most nightmares. He remembers HER, and oddly didnt mind her bossy poking ways. He never once tried to poison her or light her up. To be truthful Im not really sure who would have won with a fight between the two.
My name is Squeax, my steed is Grace. We are searching for HER!