Discussion in   Introduce Yourself - Roleplay   started     3 years ago   January 15, 2022, 11:32:11 AM   by   Evolution

New Player Guild Rules

1292 Posts
Topic :   New Player Guild Rules
3 years ago  January 15, 2022, 11:32:11 AM

illiam khan — 01/22/2021

New Player Guild
Mission Statement: To assist new adventures adjust to UO Evolution environment. Our purpose is to provide information,guidance and a comfortable place where you can find other like~minded individuals to progress on your journey through our realm
The time limit for players in NEW, with the exception of Emissares /Helpers is 45 days. {If you are interested in becoming an Emissary, please speak with the Guild Leader}

1. Follow the chain of command, discuss issues or concerns first with an Emissary.

2.To get the most out of NEW follow the advice of The Guild master and Emissaries. These Players are veterans with a lot of experience and wisdom to share.

3. New is a NON-PVP Guild. All new players are not permitted to seek out, or engage in PVP.

4.Emissaries and Helpers are not NEW players they are Officers of the guild. NEW PvP rules do not apply to them.

5.While NEW players are allowed to go to Felucca no Emissary or Helpers  will be allowed to take them. 


NEW strongly discourages NEW players from going into Felucca. If you choose to go, do so at your own risk. Evolution DOES have PKs and players who enjoy PVP.
NEW guild will NOT provide any support or back up if you are attacked in Felucca. 

You may not engage in combat with other players, you are expected to leave the area as soon as you are able. You must NEVER ATTACK another player under any circumstances. We do not want,NEW Guild or New players to become a target. 

You can join events, or staff held Champ spawns. For Info on our new player champ spawn just ask a Emissary to show you where to find it and info on how it works.

These rules are NOT negotiable.

Please check Rules often Rules can change. 


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