I have been bouncing around from Shard to Shard for years, Been on UO since my neighbor showed it to me 15 years ago, and I have to say, to this day, there isnt any other game out there like UO, which is why I think so many folks return, you just cant beat it, a game that lets you do everything whenever you want. Glad I found my new home--->EVO for life<---
Shay, well she is a young 40+ tamer lives in Malas, and needs to stop shopping and save her money for bigger PS's lol . She is an elf, loves the CU's and pretty much is a loner, but when she can she does try to help some of the new folks that wonder into the land. If you see her, give her a shout, she dont bite... but the dog might
UO Lifer and EVO is my Home