Discussion in   Introduce Yourself - Roleplay   started     10 years ago   January 05, 2015, 09:40:13 PM   by   Cherie

EDITED: Cherie - Gold Fang & Crim

36 Posts
Topic :   EDITED: Cherie - Gold Fang & Crim
10 years ago  January 05, 2015, 09:40:13 PM

EDITED: I Just decided to change this a little. I decided TO make The cu sidhe a shapeshifter and an actual character


Name: Unknown
Aliases: Lady Cherie (to common people), Gold Fang, Goldie (to Peers)
Race: Elf
Age: Unknown (Young looking, Appears to be in her Mid to late 20's human years)
Specialization:Tracking, Stalking, Information, Infiltration, Beastial Communication, Language
Personality:Cautious, Calm/Not easily excitable (but CAN be excited ;) ), Charismatic, Adaptable, Able to play many roles, (As she must be to gather information), Calculating, but certainly not perfect. Makes decisions generally on logic and not emotion, unless she is attached (friend, clan member, creature, etc).
Closest Friend: Crim (Cu Sidhe) 
Guild/Clan/Association: Order of Crimson Wolves


Hair: Golden Blonde
Skin: Pale Clay, Pale Grey, Pale Blue (Tends to depend on the light and the company)
Eyes: Golden.
Clothing: Usually a Crimson hooded Robe and dark grey/charcoal cloak. She wears a gold colored half  mask under her hood. And a crimson headband.
Height: 5'6 (neither very tall or very short, Average)
Body Type: Thin but shapely, Fit,
Markings: She has no permanent scars or tattoos that can be seen casually, but for infiltration purposes she is skilled with makeups, wigs, etc. Other than this, she has odd scars/callouses on the bottoms of her feet that resemble animal pads.

Background: Only to be revealed in In-Game RP and Forum Stories.


Name: Unpronounceable by Humans
Aliases: Crim
Race: Cu Sidhe / Shape shifter
Age: Unknown (Young looking in human form Appears to be in her Mid to late 20's human years)
Specialization: Tracking, Stalking, Information, Infiltration, Beastial Communication, Language
Personality: Jokester, Obnoxious, Loud, Playful, But quite serious when its business time. 
Guild/Clan/Association: Order of Crimson Wolves

Appearance in human form:

Hair: More red Dark Auburn, kept in twin braids.
Skin: Medium
Eyes: White/Silver
Clothing: Female Leather upper, Pants, no shoes.
Body Type: Very fit, Shapely, muscular
Markings: Nothing distictive.