Discussion in   UOE Herald   started     4 years ago   October 28, 2020, 02:02:12 PM   by   Evolution

Merlina Addams Ban

1292 Posts
Topic :   Merlina Addams Ban
4 years ago  October 28, 2020, 02:02:12 PM

Public Notice - Merlina Addams Ban 

I don't normally do this, in fact. I probably only posted 2 other incidents like this, that disrupted the entire shard and staff.

The staff has the patience of a saint and deals with hundreds of players a day.  Some players are very easy and others are very difficult.  Overall this shard has a great community and are very lucky to have such a great long-term staff, most other shards have none!

Over the past few months, I have been very tolerant of opinions, ideas, and advice from players, but it has now evolved to the point of "demands" rather than requests.

Merlina Addams was one of the NEW player guild leaders years ago, and left abruptly to go start her own shard...this was hard on our shard and she left on sour terms with much of the staff. I allowed her back, against the wishes of the entire staff and now regret that decision.  She has single-handedly caused more division and disruption on this shard than anyone I have ever seen...

Merlina Addams was banned today for not following my warnings, I told her not to speak with Domino and she continued to do so, which causes a lot of internal staff conflict.  

Merlina cursed at Domino and told her to "Fuck Off" during an event...I am not sure who thinks they can get away with this, but if you did this to me I would have smoked you.  Domino too this well and let it go.

Last night, Merlina was laughing and stating "I WON" to several players, after the announcement that Domino was retiring from her Seer position.  She also said she got "justice" by making Domino quit by disrupting the shard, staff and players.  This is just disturbing that a player would attempt to undermine this project and ruin the experience for all.

For the record, Domino was leaving for personal reasons, NOT because of Merlina.  For Merlina to spread the rumor that she was the cause of Domino leaving is absolutely false.  

I am sickened to see Merlina actually take pleasure in thought that she could destroy the shard and make staff quit...very sad.  Merlina started a lie about me begging her to come back to this shard. We all know this did not happen, her shard project simply failed and she wanted to return to a good, populated shard.

I would not let Merlina run the new player guild again, so she was very negative and rude to the new guild players.  She also undermined Domino's efforts to operate the guild.  She was also negative about the incoming New guild leader and was griefing her in public.

We were very nice and fair about allowing Merlina to return after the negative way she left.  All of these false narratives she has created, undermines the staff and the shard integrity.  Merlina is no longer going to be allowed to enjoy this shard and community.

There are a few other players involved in false/negative rumors and I am issuing a fair warning for it to all stop.  If you have any further issues please contact Dante asap

I will have zero tolerance for any rude language, behavior or actions toward staff in the future, there will be no warnings if you abuse staff, you will simply be gone.

Admin Dante - Owner - UO Evolution Custom Ultima Online Shard

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