Discussion in   UOE Herald   started     8 years ago   December 18, 2016, 04:19:04 PM   by   Sturger

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Read All About It! Grand Auction!

730 Posts
Topic :   Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Read All About It! Grand Auction!
8 years ago  December 18, 2016, 04:19:04 PM

   The Grand Auction [12/18/2016] has come--and gone-- on this relatively freezing day, and here are some of the more interesting highlights I witnessed while in attendance.

   It began with hosts Domino and Zoe, dressed in fitting holiday attire, and a brief appearance by Expo-- who disappeared somewhere soon after. Then, Zoe began the auction by reading, aloud, the auction rules, and then explaining that Domino was handling all exchanges for the day. Zoe then reminded us all that the display pedestal would change colors, and what each colored represented when it came down to the type of currency being used to bid with. Finally, with the room as silent as a mouse, the first item up for bid was brought out. It happened to be a shiny, newly minted--by Santa's elves--, tool kit/key.

   Needless to say, 100 Evo coins-- bid by me-- was not enough to secure the tool kit, but it was all in good fun in the end. You see, this was my first Auction in almost 2 years, and I must say it was a thrill. Things haven't changed much in that amount of time though. There are a lot of awesome items up for grabs, of course, but some of the bids are pure madness. As it is not my place to question the communities sanity on the matter, I will not share any further thoughts I held while the auction unfolded before my eyes.

   I will, however, give you a list of some of the more interesting things I saw today. Included will be the currency type and the final--winning-- bid amount. All names are kept off record of course, but if you were there then you know who the high rollers were.

Evolution Coins
*Tool Kit/Key = more then 100+ (I forgot to write the final bid down, but it was the first item up for bid so it is mentioned here)

*Butchers Hook = 2450  (which left me speechless to say the least)  :o

*ASH Box = 3.5mil  (holds all of your ancient smithing hammer needs)

Gold Pieces
*100 ED's = 10mil

*Everlasting Band-aid: Enhanced Edition --- 10% Heal Bonus = 178mil

*Dark Fathers Robe =195mil

*Santa's Everlasting Present = 160mil  (a new auction item, which grants a gift on the 25th of every month)

*Enchanted Candy Cane = 121mil    [also new] (a 5 slot augmentation with +10 animal taming & +10 animal lore)

Evolution Dollars (ED's)
*Bag of Fishing Augmentations (3) = 500

*Bag of Bushido Augmentations (3) = 2k

*Battle-Worn Legs of Vecna = 5k  (this was the auctions high, and low, point (miss bid) but in the end it was resolved smoothly)  8)

*Glacial Ice = 800  (4 slot augmentation with +25% area cold increase, +5% chance to gain Pit points, and it changes the weapon to ice)

*+300 Luck Deed = 700

*20 Captured Essences = 60

   In addition to what I've listed above there were plenty of decorations up for bid at the auction; a lot of which went for tokens. I fail to mention these items on purpose. Call me lazy, if you must, but I had to draw the line somewhere, and it is--in my opinion-- hard to accurately account for a decoration deeds value. The auction did end with some 'Mystery Boxes' which all went for around 3 to 4.5k ED's. What was inside of each, was anyone's guess. I do, however, have it on good authority that the items inside were valued at around 3k ED or more. Hope you enjoyed this Grand Auction Review, and I'd like to use the final words of my post to thank the Staff for being awesome, as always.

   "Oh Sorry I Feel Sleep At The End There, For A Minute, Is The Auction Over Already?"   ;D
    --Sturger, of Skara Brea; reporter at large, EVO-Herald--

166 Posts
#1 Re :   Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Read All About It! Grand Auction!
8 years ago  December 19, 2016, 12:27:58 PM

Thank you for the re-cap Sturger.  I missed the smooth resolution on the Battle-Worn Vecna Legs, were they sold and now in-game, or were they *poofed*?

We added a pair to the raffle stone!

730 Posts
#2 Re :   Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Read All About It! Grand Auction!
8 years ago  January 16, 2017, 11:33:48 AM

  Another Grand Auction [01/15/2017] has been delivered on this relatively, chill, wet day in the early days of 2017.

  I am sorry to say I was no in attendance, this Sunday. Instead I was off spending much needed quality time with my wife. You might wonder where I gained all the knowledge I've presented below, and I would smile at you and say, "an editor must always have a source to rely one."

 This fact is true, and I will take the time now to thank my friend for her efforts on the 15th. She has done an admirable job, which I must admit, made this write up easy peezy.  8)

  Here it is, without any more banter from me. The Grand Auction's winning bids:

Evolution Coins
-Deed--Town Well Decoration: 1500 EC's

-Deed--Arcane Table Deluxe: 800 EC's   (a 4 tile marble table with an arcane circle & candles on top)

-Emperor's Wand of Fireworks: 101 EC's  (this item holds 100 firework charges)

-3-Fingered Jack GoldPan: 5k EC's    (this item is a Storage Key)

-[+100] Luck Deed: 10mil Tokens (kind of gives us all a reason to save up our tokens, doesn't it!?)

-Deed--Spiral Staircase Wooden_D01_2017: 5mil Tokens   (Domino has out done herself, once again, with this 3x3 tile space staircase, which looks very nice)

-Deed--Fireworks Stand_D01_2017: 11mil Tokens  (this deed places a huge firework display decoration)

-Emperor's Wand of Fireworks: 800k Tokens (this item holds 100 firework charges)

Gold Pieces

-Deed--Shipyard_D01_2017: 60mil gold  (Huge front end of ship in construction)

-Deed--Garden Arbor_D01_2017: 50mil gold   (A garden arbor with a waterfall underneath)

-(x2)Deed--Library Shelves East+West_D01_2017: 80mil gold  (these sweet looking decorations, were bid on as a set)

-Socket Key: 50mil gold   (This key, holds a vast variety of augmentations. Something everyone has wanted for quite a awhile; thanks staff)  ;D

-100 Evolution Dollar's:  10mil gold

-Spell Channeling Deed: 9.6mil gold

-1-Hand Weapon Deed: 18mil gold

-Everlasting Emperial Wand of Fireworks: 70mil gold   (this item has -UNLIMITED- firework charges)  :o

-Evolution Earrings: 54mil gold   (I am told this item is socketable once it is completed---Level 100)

-20 Captured Essences: 4mil gold

-Magi-Mystery Chest: 75mil gold   (items inside have a 33% chance to be 'Battle-worn) [Special Chance] = 'Vecna Skull' soul Pieces or Enhancements

-Kas-Mystery Chest: 68mil gold   (items inside have a 33% chance to be 'Battle-worn) [Special Chance] =  Gloves, Arms, Gorget, or Cloak (of Kas)

-Special Anniversary Personal Teleporter: 60mil gold  (functions the same as a normal teleporter, but has a creative appearance, in honor of UOE's 6th anniversary this month)  ;)

-[Enhanced] Everlasting Bandaid: 199mil gold  (holds a +10% healing bonus as well)

-Remnant of Vecna's Soul: 29mil gold  (this augmentation is socketed specifically in items of Vecna)

Evolution Dollar's (ED's)
-Deed--Rose of Trinsic Pond_D01_2017: 200 ED's 

-Deed--Sandstone Garden Seating_D01_2017: 300 ED's

-Deed--Shipbuilder Decoration: 2750 ED's  (A rather huge, half built ship, which I'm told looked pretty neat)

-Augmentation-Mystery Chest: 777 ED's [Note: only event or auction created augmentations are found inside] (this chest has a chance to provide 1-3 augmentations, of similar variety)

-[+300] Luck Deed: 700 ED's

-Battle-worn Shroud of Kas: 1900 ED's  (+10 Tactics & Parrying)

-Battle-worn Shroud of Vecna (+10 Evaluate Intelligence & Bushido): 2949 ED's

-Lucky Enchanted Polar Bear Mount: 700 ED's  (this mount takes up zero follower slots & can be enhanced with up to 1k in luck deeds)

-Glacial Ice Augmentation: 410 ED's  (this item is a Weapon Augmentation: +25% Cold Area, +5% chance for points on 'of the Pit Items') [requires 4 sockets]

-Talisman of 3-Fingered Jack: 1100 ED's  (this items properties include: +15 Fishing, +10 in all Attributes, +40% Lower Reagent Cost, & +25% reflect physical)

-Emperor's Decree:  900 ED's  (this item is a Weapon Augmentation: +1 additional point added when [Tokuno Belt] points a awarded, +5% increased chance for [Tokuno Belt]  Points to be awarded) [requires 4 sockets]
-Mystery Boxes --- all four of these boxes went for [4-5k ED's] this week, which is normal.  :P

Well there you have it, another Auction in the books. I'd like to thank the staff, and my anonymous friend/source, for making this review possible.

    --Sturger, of Skara Brea; reporter at large, EVO-Herald--

730 Posts
#3 Re :   Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Read All About It! Grand Auction!
8 years ago  February 22, 2017, 08:37:34 AM

 Hello all, this week’s grand auction [02/19/2017] has come and gone, and below I have listed all the final bids for your reading pleasure. Try not to be to mind boggled about the TWO 90mil gold bids this auction...
  Once again, I would like to thank my anonymous friend for helping me keep tabs on the final bids this Grand Auction. Thanks to her the Grand Auction post has become relatively easy as pie. But that’s enough about pie…  :o

Evolution Coins

-Deed--ChairSouth Gothic RedGold: 550 EC's
-Deed--SofaEast Gothic RedGold: 700 EC's   
-Belt of Tokuno Dye Tub: 2k EC's   (this item allows the owner to change the color of thier Tokuno Belt) [1 use]
-Ultimate Power Scroll Book: 100 EC's    (this item is a Power-scroll Storage Key)

-Deed--Spell Channeling: 11mil Tokens (grants the ability to cast spells while holding the weapon this deed is placed upon)
-Deed--GatePlatform ValentinePink_D02_2017: 6mil Tokens   (a pink stage platform surrounded by 4 Valentine themed Flower arrangements)
-Deed--SereneCorner Seat_D02_2017: 11mil Tokens 
-Reagent Storage Key: 4mil Tokens (this item holds most of your alchemy and spellcasting reagents, plus it only weighs 1 stone)
Gold Pieces

-Deed--GatePlatform Carnival_D02_2017: 66mil gold   (a decorative blue platform surrounded by crates of carnival necessity)
-Deed--BedWest Gothic RedBlack_D02_2017: 12mil gold   (red and black custom bed)
-Deed--Serene Fountain_D01_2017: 17mil gold
-+5 Music Augmentations: 16mil gold  (an Augmentation which adds to your Musicianship skill)   [x3 in a chest]
-100 ED's:  11mil gold   (fresh off the Lord British printing press)
-+5 Provo Augmentations: 40mil gold   (an Augmentation which adds to your Provocation skill)   [x3 in a chest]
-1-Hand Weapon Deed: 20mil gold   (grants a two-handed weapon the ability to be considered one-handed)
-+5 Discord Augmentations: 90mil gold   (an Augmentation which adds to your Discordance skill)   [x3 in a chest]
-Talisman of the Rose: 20mil gold (DCI 20%, HPI 20, RPD 25%, Strength 10, with 5 charges of [50 to 100] healing per day) [double click to use]
-Shirt of Tseramed: 27mil gold   (+10 Archery, +5 Tactics, DCI 10%, HCI 10%, and 5 in Mane/Stamina/HP Regen)
-Emperor's Decree: 90mil gold  (this item is a Weapon Augmentation: +1 additional point added when [Tokuno Belt] points are awarded, +5% increased chance for [Tokuno Belt] Points to be awarded) [requires 4 sockets]
-Talisman of Tseramed: 20mil gold (5% Archery % 5% Tactics + 10 HP, and 5 in Strength and Dexterity)
Evolution Dollar's (ED's)

-Deed--Waterfall_D01_2016: 900 ED's   (an awesomely done, over the top, piece of UOE quality beauty. It hosts three towering water falls surrounded by much stone and even a lillypad or two. It wins best in show for this auction)
-Deed--GatePlatform ValintineWhite_D02_2017: 525 ED's
-Deed--Fletcher WorkbenchNorth_2016_D02: 888 ED's 
-Augmentation-[10% Lower Parry]: 1050 ED's (a donation/auction only item)
-Augmentation-[20% Parry Damage]: 1850 ED's (a donation/auction only item)
-Battle-worn Arms of Vecna: 2250 ED's   (+25 Magery & +10 Evaluate Intelligence)
-Mystery Chest [Kas Armor Piece]: 550 ED 
-Augmentation-Ghost Champion Summoning Card: 300 ED's  (this item is a Weapon Augmentation: +10% chance to summon a Ghost Champion) [requires 3 sockets]
-Augmentation-Rite of Exorcism: 300 ED's   (this item is a Weapon Augmentation: +10% chance to gains points when killing a Ghost Champion) [requires 3 sockets]
-Enhanced--Everlasting Bandage:  1500 ED's   (this is a single bandage that never runs out of uses, also has +10 healing bonus)
-Personal Teleporter: 800 ED's   (this [Valentine Edition] heart shaped personal teleporter is the shards unique design for February)


-Mystery Boxes (valued @ 3k to 5k)--- all 4 of these boxes went for [2600-4k ED's] this week, which is uncommon, but close enough to normal.

Well I hope this was fun to read. Be well, as always, until next time.
--Sturger, of Skara Brea; reporter at large, EVO-Herald--

P.S. thanks Kane for filling me in on an item or twos function after the auction.

~~added information concerning Bard augmentations: These items were sold in groups of three, at auction.

730 Posts
#4 Re :   Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Read All About It! Grand Auction!
8 years ago  March 21, 2017, 05:11:58 PM

 Welcome, all, to another edition of the UOE-Herald's Grand Auction Recount: [03/19/2017]

  2017, is certainly off to a grand start  8) and with it comes new things for all to enjoy on the Evolution Free-Shard. As usual, Kane & Domino have been wearing their creative hats and have once again out done themselves for Auction content. But enough about them (Pffftt, show offs), lets get started with this auctions final bid recount.

Evolution Coins (EC's)
-Reagent Key: 500 EC's
-Ultimate Pet Powerscroll Book Key: 2200 EC's   (this item is similar to an Ultimate Powerscroll Book Key, except that it is meant to hold the pet versions of power scrolls)
-Alchemy Lab_Table2WE_D03_2017 Deco Deed: 850 EC's,
-Deed--Fireplace_Corner_Gargish_D10_2016: 1800 EC's

-1000 Leprechaun Gold Coins: 41mil Tokens
-Champ Skull Holder Key: 6mil Tokens
-100 Luck Deed: 10mil Tokens
-Deed--Moonshine-Still_2016_D02: 7mil Tokens   (A neat decorative item for all to enjoy; Cheers)
-Deed--Alchemy-Lab_Large-Table_D03_2017: 5mil Tokens
Gold Pieces
-1000 Leprechaun Gold Coins: 60mil Gold
-105 ED's: 10mil Gold
-300 Luck Deed: 60mil Gold
-Enhanced--Everlasting Bandaid: 135mil Gold     (this is a single bandage that never runs out of uses, also has +10 healing bonus)
-Goblin Throwing Mug: 8mil Gold   (This item can be tossed at other players for fun) [hitting a target causes no damage]
-Augmentations--Mystery Chest: 60mil Gold   (Get 1-3 Augmentations, all the same type)
-Goblin Throwing Keg: 44mil Gold   (This item can be tossed at other players for fun) [hitting a target causes no damage]
-Goblin Treasure Keg: 180mil Gold   (This item needs to be lockdown in a player's home, over time this item will generate: Leprechaun Gold or Gold--every 1-7 days) [up to a maximum of 2k]
-One-Handed Weapon Deed: 19mil Gold
-Deed--CraneShort_South_D06_2016: 35mil Gold   (Another rather interesting decorative item)
-Deed--AlchemyLab_Iradecent_C03_2017: 19mil Gold
Evolution Dollar's (ED's)
-Alchemy-Lab_Burner_D03_2017 Deco Deed: 100 ED's
-Deed--Alchemy-Lab_Iradecent_C03_2017: 225 ED's
-Deed--Alchemy-Lab_Table-2WE_D03_2017: 100 ED's
-1000 Leprechaun Gold Coins: 400 ED's
-Emperor's Decree: 450 ED's  (this item is a Weapon Augmentation: +1 additional point added when [Tokuno Belt] points are awarded, +5% increased chance for [Tokuno Belt] Points to be awarded) [requires 4 sockets]
-Armored Hakama of The Emperor: 2500 ED   (Skirt Slot/Socketable)
-Armored Swamp Boots: 1100 ED   (Socketable)
-Uisneachs Alchemy Garb--Mystery Chest: 400 ED's   (This chest contains 1 piece of alchemy garb or a related deed which helps to boost its effectiveness when worn)
-Deed--Jump to Next Stage-[Uisneach's Alchemy Garb]: 650 ED's
-Deed--Max Stage Increase-[Uisneach's Alchemy Garb]: 700 ED's
-Deed--Alchemy Lab_Shelves_D03_2017: 439 ED's
-300 Luck Deed: 550 ED's

-Mystery Boxes --- (Valued @ 3-5k): went for 4k ED's this Auction. [Normal cost]

  Also, Kane had this to say about the new levelable [Uisneach's Alchemy Garb], and deeds related to improving upon it:

"If you get a piece of the [Uisneach's Alchemy Garb].. between 10-20, will be the maximum stage  the item can be leveled up to"

"You have even chances for any of the [Uisneach's Alchemy Garb] piece to drop-- or 1 of the two deeds--(Jump to Next Stage //or// Max Stage Increase)--to drop from the [Uisneach's Alchemy Garb] mystery chest."

"The [Uisneach's Alchemy Garb]--Jump to Next Stage-- deed, could be worth 1,000's of leprechaun gold if applied to a piece of alchemy garb at a higher stage level."

"The [Uisneach's Alchemy Garb]--Max Stage Increase-- deed, can get you to those time consuming, hard to reach, higher alchemy garb stages faster."

    Thanks for reading the UOE-Herald...

--Sturger, of Skara Brea; Editor, UOE-Herald--

730 Posts
#5 Re :   Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Read All About It! Grand Auction!
7 years ago  May 03, 2017, 11:49:29 AM

  Well, here's another Grand Auction Review for Sunday [4/23/2017]. Sorry for it being very late times 10, but it was a bad week for me. A giant THANKS goes out to Morsax, for being awesome and taking the time to jot these notes down for us to view.

  Also note, due to the time that has lapsed since the last auction, I have no memory of specific details of the items which were up for bid that day... so what you see is what you get. My apologize of course, I'll do better next time as they say.

Evolution Coins (EC's)
Island hammock - 1000
Island Tiki Table - 1000
Armory - 2350
Blacksmith Deed for Vaclov - 1100
Leprechaun Treasure Keg - 35m
Island Tiki Table - 6m
Island hammock - 25m
Red Skull, 120 power scrolls - 8m

Gold Pieces
Asian Design Waterfall - 25m
Blood Gate Platform - 10m
Island campfire - 16m
Pentagram Uncircled - 6m
One handed weapon change deed - 20m
Achilles Heels sandals - 30m
Augment mystery box - 45m
1000 lep gold - 5m
100 ED - 11m
Uisneach's Alchemy Garb next stage deed - 130m
Uisneach's Alchemy Garb Increase max stage deed - 130m
Blood Clasp necklace - 10m
Blood Clasp bracelet - 12m

Evolution Dollar's (ED's)
Sorcerer Altar - 130
Island hut - 100
Island Tiki Bar - 800
Pentagram Sacrifice - 85
1000 Lep Gold - 300
Uisneach's Mystery Chest - 300
Enhanced everlasting bandage - 1k
Ring of the Goblin King - 2k
Doolittle potion recipe - 300
Goblin Throwing Mug - 160
Ancestral shirt +Magry Bonus - 910
Ancestral shirt +Swords Bonus - 1.5k

Mystery box 1 - 4200
Mystery box 2 - 4400
Mystery box 3 - 4200
Mystery box 4 - 4500

--Sturger of Skara; Editor, UOE-Herald--

730 Posts
#6 Re :   Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Read All About It! Grand Auction!
7 years ago  June 20, 2017, 03:52:55 PM

  Hello all, the Grand Auction final bids is back, and it's all due to Morsax help.

 Father's Day happened to be on [06/18/2017] this year, which was the same day as the most recent Grand Auction-- so things felt even more GRAND'er then usual-- this time around.

  I hope everyone had a great father's day this year, and just in case you missed the auction, due to the importance of the day, here are some final bids!


Evolution Coins
[Total Spent 3995]
Plant Codex -- 1600
Fireworks Wand -- 95
Deco--Armory Supplies -- 800
Deed--Vat of Water -- 1500

[Total Spent 20,110,000]
Fireworks Wand - 110k
Plant Codex - 4mil
Deed--Arcane table - 11mil
Deco--Armory supplies -- 5mil
[Total Spent 435mil]
300 Luck Deed -- 40mil
Unlimited Fireworks Wand -- 80mil
100 ED - 11m
Dad's Fishing Boots -- 37mil
Dad's Fishing Pole -- 50mil
Storage--Seed Box - 20mil
Large Rhaegal's Scale -- 12mil
Recipe--Dragon Glass -- 55mil
Restored Jade Earrings -- 35mil
Tyrant Earrings -- 25mil
Beastmaster Earrings -- 10mil
Deed--Gold Lounge Set -- 20mil
Deed--Canopy Bed -- 25mil
Deed--Mushroom Pond -- 15mil
Evolution Dollar's
[Total Spent 18,575]

Deed--Red Lounge Set -- 400
1,000 Leprechaun gold - 120
Helm of the Royal Guard -- 425
300 Luck Deed -- 675
Storage--Seed box -- 250
Dark Father's Wrappings -- 1600
Quest--Royal Shield -- 2150
Talisman--Three Finger Jack -- 700
Large Rhaegal's scale -- 250
Recipe--Dragon Glass -- 805
Deed--Table Map -- 1400
Deed--Canopy Bed -- 200
Deed--Waterfall -- 2500


Mystery box 1 - 3600 (ED's)
Mystery box 2 - 3500 (ED's)

--Sturger of Skara; Editor, UOE-Herald--