Discussion in   UOE Herald   started     8 years ago   March 02, 2017, 05:26:35 PM   by   Sturger

Breaking News... 2017

730 Posts
Topic :   Breaking News... 2017
8 years ago  March 02, 2017, 05:26:35 PM

Hello, Evolution.

  Sturger here, reporting for the EVO-Herald, with the latest news...

  All is well, aside from rampaging orcs and the occasional pack of stray Ogre Lords--Ahh, the joys of lazy T-map hunters--; but fret not people, spring time is right around the corner, and you know what that means?   P*A*R*T*Y!

  In honor of spring, and Mardi Gras; Lord Reside--newly of Serpent's Hold--wishes us all to attend his house warming event, this coming Saturday afternoon.

 Lord Reside has labored long and hard, to created a magnificent home which he has wisely named Serpent's Row. It is truly a sight to behold, and I encourage everyone to come out and take a look at its public shops and decorative genius; as it wind's its way here and there throughout the waterfront of Serpent's Hold Harbor district.

For those who just cant wait until Saturday, and don't know the UO map to well, here is a sneak peek at one of Serpent's Hold's finest water-homes.

For those of you wanting more information on Saturday's events and times, here's a link: http://uoevolution.com/forum/index.php?topic=8359.0;topicseen

   --Sturger, of Skara Brea, reporter at large, EVO-Herald-- 

730 Posts
#1 Re :   Breaking News... 2017
8 years ago  March 04, 2017, 10:44:44 AM

 Good Morning Evolution,

    It is a little after 10am, and Lord Resides—first annual Mardi Gras—event has just begun. Right before the crowd, which showed up for today’s event, was unleashed into the wilds of Ilshenar; Lord Reside gave a fine speech. He then followed up his speech with instructions on how to win the very first prize package of the day.

Hey Look a leprechaun!


Make sure to stay tuned in for more coverage on Lord Resides Mardi Gras event’s, which are happening later on today.  (1pm and 3pm server time)

It didn’t take long for a winner to be declared. Congratulations LeoLeonardoll for winning today's first event, after collecting ten Mardi Gras beads!

  --Sturger, of Skara Brea, reporter on the spot; EVO-Herald--

730 Posts
#2 Re :   Breaking News... 2017
8 years ago  March 04, 2017, 01:28:44 PM

As the sands of time fell away Lord Resides second Mardi Gras event began.

 This time everyone in attendance was sent to TerMur to look for Mardi Gras party goers to relieve them of their Golden Beads. The first 3 person to return with 10 of these golden beads would be declared the winners of this event.

The prizes mentioned were as follows:

 1st place= 50ED + a Mardi Gras prize package        winner = Skynet
 2nd place= 25ED + a Mardi Gras prize package       winner = Xellos
 3rd place = 10ED + a Mardi Gras prize package       winner = Sidewinder

  Congratulations to the winners!

While we await the winners of this second event, and the upcoming final event of the day; here are some pictures of Serpent's Row in all its Grandeur. Enjoy!

The Front Entrance

The Aqueducts and Lower Shop Areas

  Sturger, of Skara Brea, reporter on the spot, EVO-Herald--

730 Posts
#3 Re :   Breaking News... 2017
8 years ago  March 04, 2017, 03:24:32 PM

And there you have it folks...

 Lord Reside has given the final challenge, to those of us in attendance, for his final Mardi Gras event. For the final event, Lord Reside tells everyone to make their way to Trammel and collect ten different colored Mardi Gras masks. Once this has been accomplished he wants them brought back to him. The first player to do this will win the prize.

 1st place prize = 50 ED + a Mardi Gras Prize Package       winner = Landorian


  What a day! I must tell you my fingers are sore, and so are my feet, from all of the action going on at these wonderfull Mardi Gras events.

  Well that just about wraps things up, and what a grand note to end with. But before you go, here are some more pictures of Serpent's Row Grandeur:

The Blacksmith Forge & Workshop

The Bar Area

I hope everyone enjoyed this fine Saturday, and I just want to thank UOE Staff, Lord Reside, and  the many others, like him, who put on a good show for the public's enjoyment.

      Sturger of Skara Brea, reporter at large; EVO-Herald--

116 Posts
#4 Re :   Breaking News... 2017
8 years ago  March 07, 2017, 10:04:32 AM

The 1st Annual Mardi Gras event was a big success! I'm glad everyone came out and enjoyed themselves. Congrats to the winners for big thanks to the staff for helping me out this whole thing together. And of course thanks so much to Sturger who managed to provide day long coverage of th event! See you all next year... :)
