Discussion in   Shard Updates   started     2 years ago   September 09, 2022, 10:32:02 AM   by   Kane

Shard Update September 09, 2022 [442]

591 Posts
Topic :   Shard Update September 09, 2022 [442]
2 years ago  September 09, 2022, 10:32:02 AM

Just in case you are not aware I did revert things backwards to the previous framework, seems there were some unintended and in some cases undesired issues. I do not think anyone (players nor staff) have the patience for what was coming if I had left it in place. This does not mean all is lost or giving up, I am already working on creating a testing center so we can revist this later, in the meantime I do plan on using the testing center for some of the ideas I have in store for the future.  As far as my plan goes, I am going to do my best to keep to the same roadmap I created after the upgrade.  I will post more on that later.

In the meantime, monthly events!!  I feel it would be a little late in the month to start a new one so I am going to pick some of the more highly saught after skills from previous monthly events and let that play out for the remainder of the month starting on Monday.  I think this solution will make everyone happy. 

Version 442
Deco Deeds Added: 13 new items from Sayla
Core Update: We have pushed things back to the previous framework.  I still have another round to get files in sync.