Discussion in   Shard Updates   started     10 years ago   November 21, 2014, 11:47:53 AM   by   Kane

Shard Update November 21, 2014

591 Posts
Topic :   Shard Update November 21, 2014
10 years ago  November 21, 2014, 11:47:53 AM

Version 41
AI: Pets attacking owner issue
XMLSpawner: Incorrect cast when assigning weapon ability
Loot Table: Cleaned up some debug code(oops).  Nothing bad just messy
Mob Update (Succubus): Expanded drain ability and tyrant ability modified
Mob Update (Skeletal Dragon): Now has the chance to feed of the life of those near by, this ability as a tyrant is increased.
Mob Update (Titan): Added weapon ability
Mob Update (Daemon): Added ability and weapon ability.
Champion Spawn: Removed Blacksmith (This is only a test for something so will be temp, I am trying to narrow down an issue down and this is the best way)
Evolution Coin: Better handling of when an char is deleted.
Idol of the Champion: When using coins the champ will be random.
Artifacts should be dropping again.

Version 42
Centralized Logging (Logging can now be used to assist debugging)
Dark Father: Recoded how the skull drops
Container Fill: Tweaked
Mob Update (Succubus): Expanded attack abilitys, disarm has a low chance of being on only tyrants

Teddy Bear
9 Posts
#1 Re :   Shard Update November 21, 2014
10 years ago  November 21, 2014, 11:49:46 AM

Great work Kane :)

180 Posts
#2 Re :   Shard Update November 21, 2014
10 years ago  November 21, 2014, 06:40:45 PM

Succubi constantly disarmed me,  was not fun.  Was that intentional? 

We modified this in todays update

10 Posts
#3 Re :   Shard Update November 21, 2014
10 years ago  November 22, 2014, 02:11:46 AM

Succubi are a pain in the tail now.

294 Posts
#4 Re :   Shard Update November 21, 2014
10 years ago  November 22, 2014, 02:28:58 AM

Aren't all soul sucking demons pain in the tails though? *grins* I'll bring up the issue of their abilities to Kane soon enough.

9 Posts
#5 Re :   Shard Update November 21, 2014
10 years ago  November 23, 2014, 11:27:02 AM

i can'T even kill 3 tyrant succubus at a time, 1 of hits disarm others still life drain and goes on. Trying to re-arm is kind of problem because 1 handed custom change, you can not re-arm before disarm your shield.. It's causes time delay. My point is can not kill 3 tyrants with my champ axe. I guess disarm on mobs "kind of" bad idea.

730 Posts
#6 Re :   Shard Update November 21, 2014
10 years ago  November 23, 2014, 04:40:27 PM

  All I have to say to the above post...

  Perhaps your champ axe is for champs and killing tyrant succubi requires another weapon/tactic?

  Then again, perhaps those pesky Succubi are broken... not enough hugs, perhaps.


9 Posts
#7 Re :   Shard Update November 21, 2014
10 years ago  November 23, 2014, 05:33:20 PM

You know, if you don't count slayer property, if i see 3 succubus tyrants around i use my champ axe becasue it's all what i need whirlwind, triple leech, whatever. About tactic, there is not much you can do but casting melee spells... thats all. Killing them with mage spell or pets is another story.

Btw, Sturger if you don'T mind check the november quest succubus area and lure 3 of tem and try to kill em, and notice me the what tactic you used.

180 Posts
#8 Re :   Shard Update November 21, 2014
10 years ago  November 23, 2014, 07:14:40 PM


yes the disarm is  an unpleasant little twist.  I am going to carry a secondary weapon with me (I am thinking a life leech Katana) just so I have a weapon I can equip quickly, then when I am clear I will re-equip my champ ax.  I think we can find a few new twists of our own to defeat these things.  I noticed that often times a poisoned MOB does not use there specials.

9 Posts
#9 Re :   Shard Update November 21, 2014
10 years ago  November 23, 2014, 10:31:58 PM

like everythin is ok, we talking about killin succubuses.

edit: i wanna drink while doin Semidar.

294 Posts
#10 Re :   Shard Update November 21, 2014
10 years ago  November 24, 2014, 12:45:08 PM

*you have been disarmed*

Pretty sure the chance of this happening has been reduced so you shouldn't have to worry as much about it. Too bad though, it sure was fun watching folks actually have to work for that spawn instead of standing in single spot and spamming wither/whirlwind over and over. "Them tactics yo!"

591 Posts
#11 Re :   Shard Update November 21, 2014
10 years ago  November 24, 2014, 01:03:44 PM

Yep, I did reduce the chance of certain weapon abilities, disarm at the moment can only be seen on Tyrant Succubus.  I am considering making a few more changes to them but I want to watch that champ get done a few more times before coming to any tactical conclusions.

Teddy Bear
9 Posts
#12 Re :   Shard Update November 21, 2014
10 years ago  November 25, 2014, 09:16:08 AM

When you are wearing a two handed weapon as one handed weapon it is very hard to re equıp and at semidar champ it can be 10 15 tyrants at the same area and when they disarm it is impossible to survive :) kane my idea disarm should be removed from succubus tyrants but other mobs like paralyze , leech area like skeletons dragons and drakes ı support still :) great work still :)

115 Posts
#13 Re :   Shard Update November 21, 2014
10 years ago  November 26, 2014, 08:17:47 PM

Not sure how difficult it would be to code... but possibly altering the Two Handed Weapons that have been converted to One handers so that they act as normal 1 handed weapons and dont require you to take off your shield/offhand before equipping

591 Posts
#14 Re :   Shard Update November 21, 2014
10 years ago  November 27, 2014, 06:00:32 AM

That`s a client issue, not a server issue.  Every shard that allows the layer changes from 2 handed to 1 handed has this same problem. 

6 Posts
#15 Re :   Shard Update November 21, 2014
10 years ago  November 27, 2014, 06:18:09 PM

Truly Escobar... I think it could be done server side... all we are talking about (at worse) is moving the props from a two-handed to a valid one handed and changing the graphic. -G