Version 262
Paralyze Field Updated: Now checks if alive
Base Weapon Updated: Added new powder flags
Powder Crafting Updated: Added 2 new powders, as with weapon powders it takes less ingredients to craft the them at advanced than it does as intermediate. Completing the gear does matter.
Grape Vines Updated: Removed the functionality, causing issues and not used
Base Costume Updated: Removed the criminal flag set, also cannot be changed if flagged a criminal.
Magical Drinks Updated: Completed the 5 drinks, one for each resistance that allows for the cap to be increased for a limited duration. (Release schedule will remain at what I desired, 1 per month)
Powder of Zoogi Fungus Added: Weapon Powder (Replaces Hit Dispel Temporary) - Causes the mana needed to cast spells to be increased based on the length of the duration remaining.
Powder of Toxin Resin Added: Weapon Powder (Replaces Hit Dispel Temporary)- Lowers the parry cap of someone based on the length of the duration remaining.
Powder of Shaman Bone Updated: Weapon Powder - Issue applying the weapon powder, cleaned up some math issues.