Discussion in   Shard Updates   started     2 years ago   May 13, 2022, 12:21:03 PM   by   Kane

Shard Update May 13, 2022 [432]

591 Posts
Topic :   Shard Update May 13, 2022 [432]
2 years ago  May 13, 2022, 12:21:03 PM


A few other things not brought up in the dev log we have made some great strides on and should be making available soon.

Version 432
Deco Deeds Added: 28 new item from Flops and Wikanne
Event Tile Updated:  Checks access level
RME Updated:  Consistent socketing with other skill augments
Glimmering Aplite Updated: Consistent socketing with other skill augments
Store Entries Updated:  Added Ancient Hammer entries
Took Key Updated:  Able to handle RCS Craft Tools
RCS Craft Tools Updated:  A few tweaks needed so they can be stored in keys