@ Harper
...As I do not know what you were running to do your MoB skinning... I will mention that there is a command for it. [Claim -c. Using this macro will loot and skin the corpse according to what you have set your loot bag up to claim or grab.
At the time I wasn't doing anything except activating my macro to double-click my halberd, exactly like Symphony was doing except for a different reason. During champs especially, but a lot of the time when I'm running around too, I'm using all the following:
Razor - Whirlwind macro w/evasion + [grab built in
Razor - several organizer macros, to resource keys, BoH, and bank
EasyUO - custom heal script
EasyUO - custom corpse cutting script
I'm kind of a hack so the EUO scripts aren't perfect but they work really well now & only mess up rarely. It's pretty convoluted though and it took a lot of tweaking to get it to where one thing wasn't continually botching the other. I appreciate the advice
but I can't see myself using [claim -c when [grab suits my needs so well already.