Discussion in   Shard Updates   started     1 year ago   June 16, 2023, 07:29:55 AM   by   Kane

Shard Update June 16 2023 [472]

591 Posts
Topic :   Shard Update June 16 2023 [472]
1 year ago  June 16, 2023, 07:29:55 AM

What might seem like me moving sideways for a moment is not the case, I had some code for resolving the current Peerless issue for a while not but the people helping me on that vanished so it sat still.  Recently some players started talking about it again and provided me with some info. At the end of the day, I want this fixed.. working and where no one else can screw it up.  This caused me to ripe out my old idea of fixing this and replacing it with an updated version based on player input. I have a little more testing to do and it should be caught up to where I have a few other things like PvP, Today System V2, and such because Player Options are needed for these systems.  Rather than many different solutions to problems, this will allow me to develop the code to handle many different things in a shorter period of time.  Plus then it can be expanded easily for new features later on since it is developed for that.


Version 472
Ultima Nucleus - Creation Updated: Added default handler for reward drop with functionality for logging and notification.
Ultima Nucleus - Reward Structure Updated: Handles items, virtual options (Like shards) and things like Traits/Titles
Ultima Nucleus - PreProcessor Updated: Correct handling for event results and displays
AOS Updated:  Added new Reflect Damage Type Attributes
Loot System Removed: Replaced with Special Drop System
Player Options Added: System that handles options to be saved at the player level with easy access to other char on the same account.