Topic :
Shard Update July 08, 2022 [438]
2 years ago July 08, 2022, 07:49:27 AM
Last edited on July 08, 2022, 11:16:44 AM
This is mostly to catch everyone up on a few things and nix any assumptions that may have been dreamed up. I know on the outside the last few updates have looked rather slim but that does not mean we are not working on things. First you may of noticed a few crashes a while back, there currently is a bandaid in place which seems to be working so far and some hardware upgrades are in motion to help resolve the issue permenantly. I still have some coding to do on this once the hardware is in place and if everything goes as desired we may even move the server to an upgraded platform in the near future. While all this is going on we are putting the final touches on a new Installer/Patcher for our client. Sayla has done an amazing job of adding tons of new graphics for me to code with and Tiger made sure the installer graphics didn't involve little stick men since that is the extent of my artistic skills. On top of all that I have been working on a Development Roadmap and talking with a few others for their perspective on things to help flesh things out and fill in some holes that I am missing. To give you an idea of how vast this roadmap is, it started with 17 different items and brief description plus notes thinking to myself I was done given that was about a year or two worth of work most likely. The list has over 40 now.. This list is by no means complete either, I am confident especially when others see it or I give some things more thought which has been the case so far new items will be added and existing items will get a little more details to flesh it out.
Why is this important?
One of the initial steps after get things running smooth again will be to address "Information", I am going to put in place a bug tracker system, overhail the in game wiki and then take that new code and have the road map available for all to see in game. This will help people play the game better, if they find an issue they can let me know and finally if you want to know where we are headed develpment wise it is a command away.
Version 438
Deco Deeds Added: 25 new items from Sayla, Flop