Discussion in   Shard Updates   started     3 years ago   January 29, 2021, 08:51:55 AM   by   Kane

Shard Update January 28, 2021 [374]

591 Posts
Topic :   Shard Update January 28, 2021 [374]
3 years ago  January 29, 2021, 08:51:55 AM

Unless something really goes wrong while setting up the chests I expect to be opening up Hades this weekend (Could be as early as this evening once my update dust has settled and such).  First let me state this is not expected to be a finished product but rather a first step into something new.  In addition to any issues found there are already several new elements that will be coded in the next few weeks to expand the Hades content.  (I think I have covered most of it in the last few updates).  Once it does open the first thing on my list is to work on mobs, at present that are not even close.  So you can expect to see changes on them next Friday.


Version 374
Hades Region Updated: Added a note when you are awarded or lose tears
Package Chest Updated:  Some tweaks to improve handling as dungeon chests.
Hades Dungeon Chest Added:  Long term plan has always been each dungeon having specific flavored dungeon chests, with Hades I am able to put this into existence and test it.
Password Change Gump Updated:  Lack of error handling and data validation