Discussion in   Shard Updates   started     3 years ago   January 08, 2021, 09:04:09 AM   by   Kane

Shard Update January 08, 2021 [371]

591 Posts
Topic :   Shard Update January 08, 2021 [371]
3 years ago  January 08, 2021, 09:04:09 AM
Last edited on January 08, 2021, 09:14:39 AM

Seems like a small update but given the extent of the slot machine config file, with a few issues that creeped up.. I am just glad I got it finished.  That being said, it isn't fiinished due this being just the first testing draft.  After a little brain storming this week I think we have figured out how the War Master stuff will be redone and put into Hades, just a matter of coding it which will probably happen after Hades is open.  This will let me test all the current code first and then move into that just a few weeks afterwards.  This doesn't mean War Master stuff is not available when Hades is open.. it is there and you can get it.  I am making everyone aware that some changes will happen (In my opinion for the better).


Version 371
Deco Deeds Added: 2 new items from Sayla
Region Controller Updated:  (Tons of swear words)  Crash from 10 year old code.
Slot Machine Updated:  Recoded the win table and reward table

Tainted Soul of Hades Added:  New trait reward from Hades. The main idea of this trait is to have quite a few levels available (20 atm) and to determine the skill bonus it will find your highest skill from a select group and use that as the point of action for bonuses.