First let me start with the drama, at no point are you allowed to sell your accounts or items for real money outside of the game, period. This isn’t even a Evo thing as you will find many games and online servers have adopted this or similar rule. Now you might think this is abit odd or even greedy but in truth I do not wish to deal with the headache that comes from it. What has happened in the past here is we have had a few players attempt this and in the end innocent players have been ripped off, they page staff complaining they gave 20 dollars to someone for an item in game never got anything. Except the last time it happened it added up to over $600 and involved several players. If you think I won’t catch you, go ahead and try then. I will make a video of not just me banning you but even deleting your account. If you think I am wrong I highly recommend you start your own server, deal with it happening and the headaches. Then you will say what everyone eventually says, Kane is right.
On to good stuff, I wanted to give away free gifts this week but between some bugs, drama and spending some time on the disconnect issue I didn’t get as far as I desired, I am close though. If all goes well though I want to have voting for the Fel Skill Cap in test mode and automated plus gift out some free gifts. Have to stay tuned for the next set of update notes to find out how far I got.
Version 458
IDS Updated: Yes it stands for Idiot Detection System
Base House Updated: Put of the blue issue with a collection.
AdvancedNPC Updated: Was accidentally used but still cleaned up the issue at hand
Today V2 Updated: A few vote and gift tweaks
Server Updates: Normal server love