I will admit hit a bit of a bump with the Today V2 load/save stuff and took some unexpected time to iron out but in the end I love the results of how things are progressing with this new code. Also proving very helpful while I am developing the base of this code are the different design consideration conversations going on so I can plan out code interaction aspects better. For all those who are helping with this thank you.
Now I know there has been some concern over the Skill Cap in Felucca but if I am being honest most so far are really jumping the gun on some assumptions and not looking at the entire picture because this goes well beyond just the current moment. Next after the skill caps start to be voted on will be a complete revamp of things like the Tyrant Chest Systems, the new system will take into consideration the mob difficultty but also the current cap in place when the mob is killed. These 2 condition changes will allow for new loot to be added like RME seeds and Ethy Deeds. (Plus a few additional things not implimented yet). In many ways this will allow for a complete relook at everything in Fel so the rewards match the difficulty.
Update 457
Core Update: Map updated to allow for caps
Core Update: Mobiles altered to enforce map skill cap
Shard Settings Updated: Temp commands to allow for me to enforce a map skill cap and check the caps (While in testing players do not have access to checking caps)
Today V2 Updated: Redesigned saving and loading of events to handle multiple event models (Retesting coming)