Version 162
Regen Rates Update: Funtionality to expose the actual numbers
Regen Rate Command Added: Command to display the current regen rates for a mobile
Bulk Order Book Updated: Old item not used but when in case can cause crashes, resolved null issue.
Treasure Map Chest Updated: Now logs any special items recovered in a chest (Loot table not touched)
Archmage Added: Quest mobile
Magical Elf Pet Updated: Added needed functionality for new traits
Craft Repair NPCs Updated: Limited the speech range to 2
Battle Worn Legs of Vecna Added: New Vecna armor piece
Christmas Presents Updated: Final loot tables are in.
Santa's Everlasting Present Added: On the 25th of each month the owner of this will be given a reward when clicked at your house
Glacial Ice Augment Added: Weapon Crafted Material changes to Ice, +25% Hit Cold Area and +5% Chance to getting points for Pit Items (5 Sockets/Weapons Only)
Enhanced Candy Cane Augment Added: +10 Animal Taming and +10 Animal Lore (5 Sockets/Jewelry and Armor Only)
Iron Forge Mining Gear Added: Now handles new augment
Stam Bonus Trait Updated: Handled bonus incorrectly
Mana Bonus Trait Updated: Handled bonus incorrectly
Pet Healing Trait Added: New trait for the Magical Elf pet. Elves with this trait can also heal the owners pets
Increased Healing Trait Added: New trait for any pet that Can Heal (Like the Cu Sidhe)
Pet Healing Trait Deed Added: Deed for applying the trait to a pet
Increased Healing Trait Deed Added: Deed for applying the trait to a pet
Trait System Updated: Put in some sanity checks for the commands to apply traits to a mobile.