I always knew one day what they did before me would unravel, hopefully this works. I had to do a little guessing here. I think my goal next week if this holds will be to work on the current regen issue, this is one of those problems that every custom shard has if being honest here. Tons of code based on RunUO still has hard coded elements based on OSI caps. I expect this to run 2 fold, first functions to identify easily what is going on and how your gear is effecting your regen rate and then second will probably involve recoding regen rates that does not involve caps and allows for some customization. I also if possible and need a break point to validate data and clear my head will probably recode the withdraw code for the Potion Key. We will see how all this goes...
Version 402
Deco Deeds Added: 41 new items from Sayla and Flop
Core Update: Sanity checks and data validation during deserialization
Base Clothing Updated: Replaced deleted code
Base Armor Updated: Replaced deleted code