Tons of things are coming together, most of which will speed up things development wise. I do have a ton of testing to do this week on the new code, I need to get out free bags to players and finally I want to put up a test server so I can explore a few different things with a select group of players to work on issues. At this time the test server will be used to solve some issues and not new code development, this may change in the future but for now.. Bug Crushing!!
As I am pushing through all of this I do have on my radar to implement Resist Spells into spells that currently do not check it in an effort to balance things there. I will then look at the entire Curse/Omen mess.
Version 465
Event Manager Updated: Turned it off briefly while I test a few other things but will resume this week to further its own testing of new code
Ultima Nucleus - Helpers Added: TypeHelper and ComparisonCriteria
Ultima Nucleus - ItemCreator Added: Complete recode of DynamicCreation [in testing this week]
Ultima Nucleus - SearchManager Added: Handles the ability to search a player and consume items/currency though different strategies that can be developed over time.
Ultima Nucleus - JsonPreProcessor Added: This takes a reward table json file and returns a reward json, handles all needed rng and list components. [in testing this week]
Captcha Updated: Just some data tweaks
Today System V2 Updated: Changed vote rewards over to Nucleus