Tons of little things were cleaned up this go around, hopefully the next few weeks smooth out so can devote a bit larger blocks of time to some of our side projects. Hopefully next week Tiger and I will start testing some of the PvP code and he can start running new events. I am pretty happy with the ME so far but have had a few people askng about both the top prizes and why the rewards do not change the more you turn in. My goal with this was that each time you turn in you would get something you could use or sell in an effort to accomplish something you desire (not me). I really do not want to change from that principle with the ME however what I am willing to consider is this, what if say every 35 (Just tossing a number there) turn ins you got something special in addition to the normal rewards. Would this be help fil that need for something more while keeping with my original intention for the event?
Version 430
Deco Deeds Added: 1 new item from Sayla
Prospector’s Axe Updated: Now is a tool and displays uses correctly
Tool Key Updated: Resolved Prospector’s Axe issue
Gear Key Updated: Cleaned up display name issue
RME Seeds Updated: Now stackable and changed weight
Slot Machine Updated: Improved the error handling
Ring of Death Added: New item for the recipe craft system (Monthly Event Ring Series I)
ME Ingredients Added: New ingredients for the Ring of Death related properties, these can be used in any ME Ring Series I items crafted.
ME Ingredients Updated: Quality of life tweaks like weight and corrected some names
Base Crafting Scroll Updated: No longer displays values that are unrelated
RME Updated: Added the following skills Spirit Speak, Tactics, Magic Resist, Mining, Meditation
Artifact Residue Updated: Quality of life tweaks