Thank you everyone for being such a loyal group of UOE Fans! Your support and donations through this event has been inspiring and motivational to me.
I have to admit I was pretty depressed after this happened, but I saw how many players returned and were sending positive messages, it made me immediately reorganize to get EVO back online.
I know players are disappointed and angry that we lost the old accounts, but I'm hoping to find some positive aspects from the revert.
1. The economy is now balanced again, everyone needs gold and basic items, so trade, vendors and gold will all be desirable and reasonable again.
2. There is no gap for new players to join in and feel they are "3 years behind" the vet players. I think more new players will stick around and not be scared off by rich players and power gear
3. I have a chance to make balanced content and to not make some of the mistakes I made last year. I intend to make a lot of young, and mid level content to keep players interested in playing daily. I will be adding content at a reasonable pace and try to lead us in a positive direction.
4. Many players are happy and said they are coming back because of the reset and like that it will be like a "new" shard again. The balance has been restored and everyone has an equal chance to pvp, get gear and crafting is needed again
Please continue to be patient, we are literally working around the clock to get to all the players and get the accounts back up to par.
We are about halfway through atm, some of the larger accounts with lost donation items, deco, custom housing etc are just taking a lot of time. We have to look up details, make adjustments to gear, create pets, layout houses and return ED.
The process is just slower that I imagined and there is just a ton of details that I did not anticipate. I also did not expect so many accounts returning on the same day. We now have over 500 accounts over the last 4 days. Although I'm overwhelmed, it's exciting to see the community is returning and still interested in playing here on EVO
We are committed to making EVO continue to be the #1 shard and will work on plans for the future after I get over the servicing of all the accounts this week.
Lots of bugs have been reported and I have my own list. I already have fixes from last year for many of these. I will get to those asap as soon as I can get everyone settled
Thank you to the players that have continued to donate during this time. We really need the continued financial support to pay for the project. Since I am flooding the market with a ton of old ED, I don't expect a bunch of donations this month. We obviously had our worst week ever and I know this does not inspire donations and confidence, but this is when I need the help the most. I will be giving double ED and for any donations along with attractive custom bonus items as incentives to get the shard back on track.
Thank you all again for the support and confidence from the community!
*I should be around to all the players by tomorrow, I have about 150 accounts to go!
Admin Dante - Owner - UO Evolution Custom Ultima Online Shard
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