Kane, thank you. Keep up the good work. There will always be people who will nay say everything.
I was startled at first, by the high numbers, but those who added to this post reminded me of the obvious, sockets.
My ideas concern sockets, and bringing the crafting system back to an all day playability factor.
Sockets, Sockets, Sockets! Its what this shard loves, me to. However, at the cost of playability crafting has been crippled, by the addition of socket deeds, with giant time restraints.
I would agree that a 4-6 hour window between BoD's would be reasonable, if the system also included a reset option after BoD turn ins.
As far as I can tell, that function was disabled due to socket deeds. That would seem reasonable, but I disagree.
When I played OSI, you got a BoD, you filled it, turned it in and got another one. Sure this was not the case with a large bod, but that's why we had alts back then. Simply switch to your alt, get a junk bod, than put it in a storage container at your home. Log alt character out and your main blacksmith back online. Fill the junk BoD, with your main, than turn it in and get a higher chance for a better bod. Rinse and repeat. This was a play style long ago, and it was, still is, rather fun.
A socket deed kind of breaks that, and for good reason, because socket deeds make our gear better, and our characters tougher still.
This is why I propose that awesome things like socket deeds and some other fancy reward items be put on a 'Merchant Stone'. This stone would need a new currency. I wish to call it a Mark of Completion. This currency would be universal, in that each crafting system would grant 'Marks of Completion' as a reward. Buying a +5 socket deed would cost say 500-1000 'Marks of Completion'.
To determine how many Marks of Completion a BoD should reward a player, I would take into consideration two things. The players skill level, and the amount of Fame being granted for the BoD turned in. At GM level crafting, I would suggest a 5-10% bonus increase in fame being awarded. At Legendary, I would suggest another 5-10% bonus increase.
I then propose that Socket deeds, +1 and +2, be granted as random chance rewards for BoD turns in across the crafting system tree: Blacksmithing, Carpentry, Fletching, Tailoring, Taming and Tinkering.
Socket deeds that grant +3 through +5 would be on the merchant stone, waiting for purchase.
I would also like to see [Crafting Skill] 120 Power Scrolls on that Merchant Stone.
The final request is of course to allow the old system its rebirth.
When you turn in a bod, you are then able to receive another one right afterwards.
~Tamers are not restricted to using a pet for only one hour and waiting another 4-6 hours to use it again.
~A melee fighters isn't kicked out of a dungeon after an hour, with a 6 hour timer counting down until he can return to adventure there again.
~A Magic users spells don't have a 4 hour cool down attached to them.
~So, please hear me out and tell me why a crafter has to wait 2, 4, or even 6 hours to do the only thing he/she loves. Craft things to put into bods for a small chance at great rewards.
Thanks for reading. All ideas are just that, all examples are as well. Please feel free to expand upon anything you like. But please, if possible tell me why some or all of them were not considered; if you have the time Kane.
I am also not against better ideas. But the last idea I gave, really is a win win for all.